Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Research Objectives Definition of Terms

railway station, bus station, restaurant, etc., thus the students get more information on the location not just material in the classroom. For the teaching learning method, this school refers to experiential learning and problem solving based learning concept. Through those teaching learning activities, the students are more active because they solve the problem by themselves, either individual or in a group; they also learn based on what they saw or experienced. In researching English teaching-learning activities there are some elements that are observed. Those are how a teacher in Sekolah Alam teaches his or her students, what a teacher wants his or her students to learn, how students learn, and how students want to learn, what students learn, and what the purpose of learning the language are Champbell, 2001. In teaching-learning activities teachers can combine those elements in planning English teaching-learning activities in order to meet students’ and teacher’s expectation. The knowledge of students’ perception on English learning especially on English teaching-learning activities is an important step to understand the etiology of language learning Kitao and Kitao, 1995, and that is the reason why this research is conducted; to find out students’ perception on their English teaching- learning activities in Sekolah Alam so teacher can choose the most appropriate teaching-learning strategies to be applied in teaching-learning activities.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the explanation above, there are three problems formulated for this research. The problems are: 1. How is the implementation of English teaching-learning activities in the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Junior High School Yogyakarta? 2. What are the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School’s perceptions on their English teaching-learning activities? 3. What are some possible suggestions to improve the quality of English teaching-learning activities?

C. Problem Limitation

This study limits the participants only in the area of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School. It is done in order to focus on the study that involves first grade students in the target school. The school is chosen because it is opened to help any researchers to conduct any education research. The participants involved in this study are students of the first grade of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School. The population of the study is all students of the first grade in this school.

D. Research Objectives

This study intends to find out the answer to the research questions stated in the problem formulation. There are three objectives in this study. They are: 1. To describe the implementation of English teaching-learning activities in the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School. 2. To identify the perception of the first grade students of Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta Junior High School. 3. To identify some possible suggestions to improve the quality of English teaching-learning activities.

E. Research Benefit

This research will primarily benefit for the students of the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, English Education Study Program and other researchers.

1. The students and teachers

The research will be beneficial for teachers and students themselves. Both English teacher and students will see their activities during English subject, how the class runs, and how well they manage the English class. It is expected that the identification about English teaching-learning activities implementation will become a kind of feedback both for English teacher and students.

2. English Language Education study program

The research may give contribution to the English Language Education study program of Sanata Dharma University Jogjakarta to improve the students’ teaching skills. They can use Sekolah Alam as a place to practice their students in PPL program. Sekolah Alam students will give new experience of teaching activities because there is some superiority that differs from conventional school and through PPL practice at Sekolah Alam, the students are expected to be more creative and innovative in their teaching activities in the future.

3. Future Researchers

It is hoped that the research will be benefit for other researchers who would like to conduct the similar research. This research will be very helpful for those who will conduct further discussion about the English teaching learning activity in their teaching activities.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to make common conception with the readers about some terms used in this research, the researcher defines them as follow: 1. Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, interpreting sensory data into usable mental representations of the world Huffman, Vorney.M Vorney 1997:79. This means that each person has different perception about something and it is usually affected by their psychological factors such as their needs, interest, and motivation. In this research, perception refers to the students’ perception on the English teaching-learning in Sekolah Alam, which is seen from the implementation of English teaching learning activity used in Sekolah Alam. What is meant by students’ perception is how the students feel and think about the teaching learning activities used in their school; whether the teaching learning activities are interesting or not interesting, successful or not successful. 2. Sekolah Alam is a school that gives priority on the students’ characters and way of thinking using back to the nature concept Novo, 2010. Students who study in this school are not just sitting in the classroom. Sekolah Alam applied different method; students learn to have interaction with nature as much they can. 3. The Characteristic of First Grade Students of Junior High School First grade students of junior high school are categorized into teenager learners, their age are about 12 to 13 years old. In this period, teenagers like to spend their time for hanging around, friends, peers and often disruptive behavior in class. However, they have a great capacity in learning if the teacher can engage them. The characteristics of teenager learners according to Harmer 2001 are: 1. They seem to be less lively and humorous than adults 2. Identity has to be forged among classmates and friends; peer approval may be considerably more important for the student than the attention of the teacher 3. They would be much happier if such problem did not exist 4. They may be disruptive in class 5. They have great potential creativity and a passionate commitment to things that interest them. Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the characteristics of the adolescents are period of change, new experiences, learning, and the most trying times in life. In this research, the researcher will identify the first grade students’ perception on the teaching learning activities that implemented in Sekolah Alam. 11


This chapter consists of two parts; they are theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description presents some important concepts related to the research. The concepts are 1 perception 2 CBC, and 3 experiential learning, 4 problem solving, 5 Sekolah Alam while theoretical framework discusses major relevant theories which help to answer the research problems.

A. Theoretical Description

In this chapter the researcher discusses the theories related to this study. There are five related theories that will be viewed. The theories are perception, CBC, experiential learning, problem solving based learning, and Sekolah Alam.

1. Perception

This part presents theory of perception including factors that influence perception and perception on learning.

a. Factors that Influence Perception

In organizations theory, Gibson et al. 1985:61 there are six factors that influence someone’s perception; they are stereotyping, selectivity, self-concept, situation, needs and emotion.