Stage one The Meaning of Adeline’s Tragic Life

37 nothing to face Adeline and Emmeline. The climax is when the twins steal a perambulator from the villager’s house. What make it a big problem is because there is a baby inside the perambulator. The incident starts when a lady named Merily is washing her baby’s clothes in the backyard and left the perambulator near the house. She forgets to lock the gates and do not keep an eye of the baby. In the other place at the same time, the twins, Adeline and Emmeline are happily playing with the perambulator. They do not know what is it but they think it is fancy to play with. A villager see them playing and reports it to the family. They lifted out the baby and put in on the ground, and Adeline heaved herself into the carriage p. 94. The villagers are afraid that the girls will hurt the baby. They begin to think that an action should be taken for the twins. They know that entering someone’s house without any permission is not allowed and walking off with someone’s baby in its perambulator, without permission is a big trouble. Instead of visiting the Angelfield house, the villagers choose to visit Dr. Maudsley and ask for his help on this problem. Dr. Maudsley then sends his wife to come to the big house and talk to the parents of the twins. When she comes to the house, she meets no one. She enters the house and sees the condition is so chaotic. She enters the music room upstairs and examines it. When she tries the piano, a white figure approaches her and throws a violin into her. Mrs. Maudsley is shocked and falls on the floor. She had not the time to appreciate that the white-robed figure was brandishing a violin, and that the violin was descending very quickly and with great force toward her own head. Before she could take in any of this, the violin made contact with her skull, blackness overwhelmed her and she fell, unconscious to the floor p. 105. 38 Hearing the noise, Missus goes upstairs to see what had happened. When she meets Mrs. Maudsley, Missus asks her about what was happened and Mrs. Maudsley says that someone just approaches her. Missus does not believe her because she sees no one else in the room. However, she sends John to call Dr. Maudsley. When the doctor comes, he asks his wife but she does not know what creature it was. Suddenly, Isabelle appears in the doorway wearing a pale lemon dress. Dr. Maudsley asks his wife whether Isabelle is the person who approaches her or not and she admits it. Isabelle appeared in the doorway. Slim and willowy, she was wearing a pale lemon dress; her haphazard topknot was unkempt and her eyes, though beauti ful, were wild. ―Could this be the person you saw?‖ Mrs. Maudsley measured Isabelle against the picture in her mind. She wavered, then, seeing the emerald eyes and finding an exact match in her memory p. 108. Because of the situation, Dr. Maudsley decides to talk to Charlie. When it is done, the doctor says to Missus that he will make an arrangement with the asylum for Isabelle. At two o’clock, three men come to the house and lead Isabelle out to the asylum. The twins do not care about Isabelle because they never have any contact with her. Things are different for Charlie, from that day on, he locks himself in a room and never come out from it.

2. Stage two

As the time goes by, Adeline and Emeline grown up to be a teenager in their thirteenth age. They love to make noise and play with anything they find. Many people in the village report them to the governor because of their naughty habit. Moreover, the fact that Isabelle is gone made the villagers think that 39 something must be done for the children. They think that the twins still need the presence of a woman. Finally, the governor sent a doctor to observe them and a teacher to teach them to behave properly. A teacher, named Hester Barrow comes to the old Angelfield house and starts to explore the condition. Step by step she does to manage the house. The house begins to look alive while the children seem to hate her. Hester starts to set rules for the mealtime, bath, study, bedtime, getting-up time, and the most important thing is to lock the door when the room is not in use. Within few days there were mealtimes, bedtimes, getting-up times. A few days more and there were clean shoes for indoors, clean boots for out p. 155. At first, the children hate Hester so much because she takes the control of the house. Hester knows it and she set the strategy to manage the children. She forces the children to follow her rules. When the bath time came, it seems difficult for both Hester and the children. Hester has difficulties to control the children while the children think that it is difficult to escape. Hester looks like a monster for Adeline but not for Emmeline. Emmeline is easier to control because she always attracted to the keys of the house. Under Hester’s regime, Emmeline is fed at regular hours, allows to play, and she looks clean. At first, Emmeline hates to take a bath because she is not accustomed to, but after she sees herself in a mirror, she sees a clean and neat girl and she loves it. Emmeline seems to be easier to learn anything. She opens herself to absorb new things. Whenever Emmeline was in Hester’s presence she used to study her face on the sly, on the lookout for a smile. When Hester did a smile – it was not infrequent – Emmeline gazed at her face in delight. Before long she learned to smile back p. 155. 40 Hester knows that Emmeline may be a naughty girl before but with the warmth she shows her, Emmeline starts to change. When Emmeline is with Adeline, she seems hard to control but when she is not with her twins, she changes her habit into good. Emmeline should not give up unruliness for good and become permanently the sweet girl she knows how to be at her best. She will not be clever but still, I see no reason why she should not one day lead a satisfying life separately from her sister p. 166. It will be different for Adeline, she seems to avoid Hester. She is jealous to Hester because she controls anything in the house. Hester is a threat for Adeline because she always tries to control the m. Moreover, Hester has taken Emmeline’s attention. Adeline often gets angry when she looks Emmeline is following Hester. At one night she is hungry but she cannot take the meal from the kitchen because the door is locked. When Hester comes down from the upstairs, Adeline hides herself behind the curtain while watching Hester meets Emmeline. In that situation, she is angry because Emmeline does not follow her to hide under the curtain but said ―yum‖ to Hester as a sign that she wants to eat. Hester opens the door with her key and they go to the kitchen. In the folds of the curtain my hunger pangs gave away to anger. Hester and the key Emmeline It was like a perambulator all over again. It was love p. 153. Adeline cannot accept anything that Hester did in the house because she is not used to have it and she does not want anything to disturb her comfort. She is hurt because she loses her sister. Emmeline used to play with her, followed her, and did everything under her influence. Seeing that Hester is able to take Emmeline’s