Motherhood The forces that shaped character



This chapter consists of three parts. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and research procedure. Object of the study is the explanation of the novel which analyzed. Approach of the study discusses the psychological approach which is used in this study. Research procedure explains the step of analyzing the novel.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is the novel entitled The Thirteenth Tale written by Diane Setterfield. The researcher attracted to the novel because of the unique characteristics of Adeline, one of the main characters in the novel. Adeline is a girl who left by her mother at the age of 13. Adeline experiences the agony life. She tries to change her luck by being good to her sister, but still, she experiences the unpleasant life. This novel was first published in New York in 2006. This is the first novel from Diane Setterfield. This novel consists of 406 pages and 41 chapters which are divided into three parts; Beginnings, Middle, and Ending. It was published in 38 countries and it has sold more than three million copies. The Thirteenth Tale was adapted for television by Christopher Hampton. It was filmed in 2013 in North Yorkshire for BBC2. The genre of the novel is mystery. The writing style of the novel is affected by the author’s educational backgrounds which are literature and biographical structures. Diane Setterfield’s 24 interest of gothic motivates her to write the novel. Her interest also affects the ambiance of the novel which are tragedy and mystery. Moreover, her cultural belief of number 13 affects the plot of the novel. There are three aspects which affected by the belief of number 13. The first aspect is the title of the novel which represents the agony content of the novel. The second aspect is that the story of the twins is the story number 13 which written by one of the characters in the novel. The third aspect is that the age of the twins when they are left by their mother is 13. The novel The Thirteenth Tale is the result of her imagination and interest in writing.

B. Approach of the Study

The psychological approach is used to analyze and answer the problem formulations in this study. The psychological approach is the most appropriate in this study because it is easier to understand and analyze the character by using this approach. Moreover, the character’s characteristics and behavior is seen from the psychology side. In addition, the character, tragic life and its meaning will be analyzed using this approach because they have a relation with the psychology. are affected by the family and social factor. This approach is using psychological view and theory to analyze and solve the problem.

C. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher used library study or collecting data from various references as the method to get primary and secondary data.