Stage two The Meaning of Adeline’s Tragic Life

40 Hester knows that Emmeline may be a naughty girl before but with the warmth she shows her, Emmeline starts to change. When Emmeline is with Adeline, she seems hard to control but when she is not with her twins, she changes her habit into good. Emmeline should not give up unruliness for good and become permanently the sweet girl she knows how to be at her best. She will not be clever but still, I see no reason why she should not one day lead a satisfying life separately from her sister p. 166. It will be different for Adeline, she seems to avoid Hester. She is jealous to Hester because she controls anything in the house. Hester is a threat for Adeline because she always tries to control the m. Moreover, Hester has taken Emmeline’s attention. Adeline often gets angry when she looks Emmeline is following Hester. At one night she is hungry but she cannot take the meal from the kitchen because the door is locked. When Hester comes down from the upstairs, Adeline hides herself behind the curtain while watching Hester meets Emmeline. In that situation, she is angry because Emmeline does not follow her to hide under the curtain but said ―yum‖ to Hester as a sign that she wants to eat. Hester opens the door with her key and they go to the kitchen. In the folds of the curtain my hunger pangs gave away to anger. Hester and the key Emmeline It was like a perambulator all over again. It was love p. 153. Adeline cannot accept anything that Hester did in the house because she is not used to have it and she does not want anything to disturb her comfort. She is hurt because she loses her sister. Emmeline used to play with her, followed her, and did everything under her influence. Seeing that Hester is able to take Emmeline’s 41 heart, it burns Adeline in jealousy. Adeline hates Hester because she is afraid that Hester will take Emmeline away from her side. Based on human motivation theory, Adeline’s age is the age of high dependency period where she forms a bound with her mother or caretaker. Since her mother never give the affection and Missus is not capable to take care of her, Adeline forms a bound to Emmeline. Thus, Hester arrival is a threat for Adeline. The twins are uneducated because in their age they should already have their thinking skill. Ruffin 2009 concludes that adolescence should have cognitive development and in their age, they are developing their ability to think about thinking in a process known as meta-cognition . In Adeline and Emmeline’s case, they do not have these skills. In their adolescence, they still get the introduction of skills by Hester. Hester uses the story telling to educate them because she assumes that story telling is the best way to grab the twins ’ attention. With girls like these the classroom is not might be for normal children. There is no arithmetic, no Latin, no Geography. Still, in the interests of order and routine, the children are made to attend for two hours, twice a day, and I educate them by telling stories p. 167. In the normal education, educating students by using story telling is conducted in kindergarten or lower class of elementary school. Hester uses this method because grabbing the twins ’ attention is not an easy thing to do. However, getting Adeline’s attention is harder than Emmeline’s. Adeline is difficult to appreciate the lesson. Someone should bring her by force to the room. When Hester starts the story, Adeline tends to sit on the floor neither looks nor listens to the teacher. She seems to retreat to some inner world of her own. Because of the 42 curiosity of the situation, Dr. Maudsley and Hester agree to separate the twins with the purpose that they will be able to observe the development of the twins. One night, Hester moves Emmeline to her room without awakening her. On the other hand, Adeline feels the absence of her sister from the other side of the bed. From that night on, Adeline stays with Dr. Maudsley and Emmeline stays with Hester. Adeline feels the worse nightmare in her life. She just realizes that she lose her own half. She is nothing without Emmeline. She awoke at once to her sister’s absence. She sank to the floor, collapsed into a litte heap against the door, and that is where she stayed at night. She felt nothing. She was broken p. 182. Emmeline is slower to realize her sister’s absence. The next morning when she wakes up, she is surprised to find that her sister is gone. She is longing for Adeline everywhere around the house but the result is nothing. All night long she is crying as if she lost something forever. The next day, the twins ’ life is just as a rag doll; lifeless. Dr. Maudsley and Hester’s hypothesis is wrong. The twins do not show any responses at all. When they are alone, Adeline and Emmelie whisper something in their own language. They imagine the presence of each other. One day a trouble comes to Hester and the doctor’s family that makes the experiment over. John takes Adeline from the doctor ’s house and places her in her bedroom. Emmeline is in the garden when Adeline arrives. She feels the presence of the sister and runs inside the house. She finds Adeline in their bedroom.

3. Stage three

Because of the separation which experienced by Adeline and Emmeline, the twins forms the stronger bond each other. They do not want to be separated. 43 Adeline remembers the conversation between Dr. Maudsley and Hester. Hester says that Emmeline can be permanently a sweet girl and she may even marry someone. Emmeline should not give up unruliness for good and become permanently a sweet girl she knows how to be at her best. She will not be clever but still I see no reason why she should not one day lead a satisfying life separately from her sister. Perhaps she might even marry. All men do not seek intelligence in a wife, and Emmeline is very affectionate p. 166. That conversation worries Adeline because she is afraid to lose the only person she has. Moreover, Emmeline is comfortable with her new habit as the effect of Hester. Adeline feels worry because she realizes that someday Emmeline will be able to live without her and leave her alone. She starts to think and set a strategy to win Emmeline’s heart. She decides to treat Emmeline as she wants to. Adeline findd it is amusing to take care of Emmeline because she gets Emmeline’s attention. Adeline’s motivation is called as intrinsic motivation whereas the motivation comes from themselves without any force by anyone else Ryan Edward, 2000. Soon, Adeline knows that Emmeline is attracted to their new gardener, Ambrose. Emmeline always give her attention to Ambrose and it makes Adeline angry. Emmeline, who never rose before lunchtime, sometimes spent the afternoons outdoors looking on as the boy did his work. I scolded her about it. ―You’re the daughter of the house. He’s a gardener. For God’s sake, Emmeline p. 286. She tells Emmeline that she cannot be that close to Ambrose because he is only the gardener of the house while Emmeline is the daughter of the house. Adeline thinks that it is not appropriate. Adeline worries that someday Emmeline will 44 marry him and leave Adeline alone. On the other hand, she is afraid that Ambrose would hurt Emmeline because she is the only one that Adeline has. Moreover, Adeline realizes if Emmeline leave her, it will break her heart and she does not want it happen to her.

b. Deeper meaning of A

deline’s personality in dealing with her life 1. Stage one Adeline and Emmeline were born in a hospital in London. Their father, Roland March died before they were born. Their mother, Isabelle Angelfield then takes them back to her old house in Angelfield. Since that day on, the twins live with their mother, uncle; Charlie Angelfield, housekeeper; Missus, and a gardener; John. On the first day they arrive at the house, Isabelle brings them as a parcel. In the next morning, she acts as if she never got married and has babies. ―When she woke up in the morning it would be as if her marriage had never been, and the babies themselves would appear to her not as her own children – she had not a single maternal bone in her body – but as mere spirits of the house.‖ p. 76 However, the twins do not have the enough affection from their mother and uncle. Isabelle and Charlie tend to ignore them and choose to live as how they were. Missus knows how children should to be brought up and it is her chance to take care of them. Although Missus loves the babies but her heart is broken by Isabelle and Charlie ’s behavior. Isabelle and Charlie had grown up overindulged and neglected at the same time, and it broke her heart to see how they turned out. Their neglect of the twins was her chance p. 81.