Uneducated Characterization of Adeline

35 Stage three is the period when a new gardener comes to the house and works for them.

1. Stage one

Adeline and Emmeline were born from a mother named Isabelle Angelfield. On the first day they arrive at the old Angelfield house, their mother treats them not as daughters but as carriages. She places the twins in a basket of parcel. From that moment on, their mother never takes care of the twins. She never realizes that the twins are her own daughters. The twins are taken care by the house keeper; Missus, and the gardener; John. When she woke in the morning it would be as if her marriage had never been, and the babies themselves would appear to her not as her own children – she had not a single maternal bone in her body – but as a mere spirits of the house p. 76. Living without affection from parents makes the twins uncontrolled. They do not know how to treat other people, how to behave, and how to speak properly. They only know how to live by their own willingness and how to please themselves. Adeline and Emmeline are motivated to do anything they like because they find it enjoyable. This motivation is called as intrinsic motivation because it comes from themselves and they do something because it is inherently interesting and enjoyable Ryan Edward, 2000. Although the twins seem to enjoy their life, but they never be able to enjoy t heir parents’ love. Parents’ love is irreplaceable. It is the only and most sincere love in the world and no one can ever replace it. Since Isabelle ignores them, Missus tries to take care of the children. However, it is not an easy thing to do. 36 Handling two children with different personalities are not easy for an old lady like her. Missus cannot control the twins at all. ―The twins were odd, there were no two ways about it. They were very strange through, right into their very hearts.‖ ―From that day on, Missus revised her expectations. Regular mealtimes, bath times, church on Sunday, two nice and normal children – all these dreams went out of the window. She had just one job now. To keep the girls safe.‖ pp. 82-83 Adeline grows to be a naughty girl and always hurts her sister. On the other hand, Emmeline does nothing as a respond to her sister. Missus says that Emmeline has the goodness of two children. Meanwhile, Adeline has the wickedness of two children. Moreover, the twins do not know the limitation in neighborhood living. They go everywhere they like and do everything they want to do. The twins go to the village and enter the house they desire. They do anything there such as eating the tasty meal they find in the pantry, sleep on the bed upstairs, and take the saucepan and spoon away to scare the birds in the fields. Yet, the twins do not have any ethic that they make the villagers angry and corner them. Surprisingly, the twins are laughing at the villagers instead of feeling afraid. On several occasions they cornered the girls red-handed and shouted. Angry pulled their faces all out of shape, and their mouth opened and closed so quickly, it made the girls laugh. For a time the girls watched the villagers’ anger, then they turned their backs and walked off p. 90. That event makes the villagers angry. When they come to their husbands and tell them about the girls, their husbands ask their wives if they forget that the girls are the children of the big house. In that era, common villagers are afraid of the landlord or a rich family. This is why the men from Angelfield village only do