Psychological Approach Review of Related Theories

8 some areas in advance thinking skills, which are developing advance reasoning skills and developing abstract thinking skills. First, developing advanced reasoning skills is including the ability to think about multiple options and possibilities. It includes a more logical thought process and the ability to think about things hypothetically. Second, developing abstract thinking skills means thinking about things that cannot be seen or touched such as faith ad truth.

c. Psychosocial Development

There are some social issues which adolescent deals with their adolescence life. The first issue is establishing identity. In this stage, teens begin to integrate the opinion of influential others into their own likes and dislikes. The second issue is establishing autonomy. Autonomy refers to becoming completely independent from others. Autonomous teens have gained the ability to make and follow through with their own decisions, live by their own set of principles of right and wrong, and have become less emotionally dependent on their parents. The third issue is establishing intimacy which refers to the close relationship in which people are open, honest, caring, and trusting such as what they find in friendship. The fourth issue is becoming comfortable with one‟s sexuality. The teen years mark the first time that young people are both physically mature enough to reproduce and cognitively advanced enough to think about it. The last issue is the achievement. Because of the cognitive advances, the teen years are a time when young people can begin to see the relationship between their current abilities and plans and their future vocational aspirations. 9

3. Theory of Personality

This part tells about the theory of personality of children in general and the aspects which influence the development of children‟s personality. The aspects are divided into two main groups which are internal and external aspects. Internal aspects are self-theories, family, and experience while the external aspect is social intervention.

a. Definition of Personality

According to Dweck 2008, personality is the consistent pattern of experience and action that are evident across multiple situations or life contexts . This pattern contains much more than temperament and habitual behavior. Importantly, it also includes the way one perceives self, others, and events. Children personality is just as the general personality all people have. The difference is only at their temperament. Child psychologists have focused on temperament traits, the behavioral consistencies that appear early in life, that are frequently but not exclusively emotional in nature, and that have a presumed biological basis Caspi, Robert, Shiner 2005. However, one individual and others are different in personality. Therefore, their temperament traits are different also. Caspi, Robert, Shiner 2005 also said that behavioral genetic studies have established that individual differences in temperament. It is measured even during the first few years of life. Those differences are only partially heritable and are influenced by environmental experiences.