Fear in childhood Theory of Character

22 1 The directly discerned motives of action 2 The demands coming from the outside world which are felt to e more less binding, though the reason for them is not always entirely discerned 3 The un-discerned, unreflective motives which are largely bound up with vital values and on account are frequently regarded as “impulsive”. Underlying the attitude we have in mind, at the very kernel of the person‟s being, there is an affirmation of something that one not only does not understand but does not seek to understand. The years of adolescence are characterized, on the one hand, by doubt magnified to the point of extreme skepticism, and on the other by a marked need for support, by lively desire for clearness, and by a struggle to get a hold of reality, which is felt to be unavoidable and at the same time incomprehensible .

B. Theoretical Framework

This study adopts psychological approach. The theories of character by Rudolf Allers, theories of adolescence by G. Stanley Hall and Ruffin, and theories of personality by Carol S. Dweck, Caspi, Roberts, Shiner, Yusuf, and Erikson are used to analyze and explain the characteristics of Adeline. The theories of motivation by Graham Bernard, Ryan Edward, and Weiner are used to find the meaning of Adeline‟s tragic life and her action in facing it. These theories help the researcher to examine the tragic life experienced by Adeline and find the meaning of it. 23


This chapter consists of three parts. They are object of the study, approach of the study, and research procedure. Object of the study is the explanation of the novel which analyzed. Approach of the study discusses the psychological approach which is used in this study. Research procedure explains the step of analyzing the novel.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is the novel entitled The Thirteenth Tale written by Diane Setterfield. The researcher attracted to the novel because of the unique characteristics of Adeline, one of the main characters in the novel. Adeline is a girl who left by her mother at the age of 13. Adeline experiences the agony life. She tries to change her luck by being good to her sister, but still, she experiences the unpleasant life. This novel was first published in New York in 2006. This is the first novel from Diane Setterfield. This novel consists of 406 pages and 41 chapters which are divided into three parts; Beginnings, Middle, and Ending. It was published in 38 countries and it has sold more than three million copies. The Thirteenth Tale was adapted for television by Christopher Hampton. It was filmed in 2013 in North Yorkshire for BBC2. The genre of the novel is mystery. The writing style of the novel is affected by the author’s educational backgrounds which are literature and biographical structures. Diane Setterfield’s