MultiSurfacePropertyType, multiSurfaceProperty 1-Dimensional aggregates .1 MultiCurveType, multiCurve, curveMembers

96 Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. complexType element name=MultiSolid type=gml:MultiSolidType substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractGeometricAggregate gml:MultiSolid implements ISO 19107 GM_MultiSolid see ISO 19107:2003, 6.5.7 as specified in D.2.3.5. A gml:MultiSolid is defined by one or more gml:AbstractSolids. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the standard property gml:solidMember or the array property gml:solidMembers. It is also valid to use both the standard and the array properties in the same collection. NOTE Array properties cannot reference remote geometry elements via XLinks. element name=solidMember type=gml:SolidPropertyType This property element either references a solid via the XLink-attributes or contains the solid element. A solid element is any element, which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSolid. element name=solidMembers type=gml:SolidArrayPropertyType This property element contains a list of solids. The order of the elements is significant and shall be preserved when processing the array. MultiSolidPropertyType, multiSolidProperty

complexType name=MultiSolidPropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 element ref=gml:MultiSolid sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup complexType A property that has a collection of solids as its value domain may either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document. Either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but neither both nor none. element name=multiSolidProperty type=gml:MultiSolidPropertyType This property element either references a solid aggregate via the XLink-attributes or contains the multi solid element. gml:multiSolidProperty is the predefined property, which may be used by GML application schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for gml:MultiSolid. 12 GML schema — Coordinate reference systems schemas

12.1 Overview

12.1.1 Introduction

This clause describes the GML schema components for encoding the definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate operations, explaining their contents, structure, and dependencies.