SolidType, Solid Geometric primitives 3-dimensional

88 Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. sequence complexType A property with the content model of gml:ShellPropertyType encapsulates a shell to represent a component of a solid boundary. 11 GML schema — Geometric complex, geometric composites and geometric aggregates

11.1 Overview

This clause describes the geometry schema components for geometric complexes and aggregates. NOTE The geometry schema documents, geometryAggregates.xsd and geometryComplexes.xsd see Annex C, are identified by the following location-independent name using URN syntax: urn:x-ogc:specification:gml:schema-xsd:geometryAggregates:3.2.1 urn:x-ogc:specification:gml:schema-xsd:geometryComplexes:3.2.1 Geometric aggregates i.e. instances of a subtype of gml:AbstractGeometricAggregateType are arbitrary aggregations of geometry elements. They are not assumed to have any additional internal structure and are used to collect pieces of geometry of a specified type. Application schemas may use aggregates for features that use multiple geometric objects in their representations. Geometric complexes i.e. instances of gml:GeometricComplexType are closed collections of geometric primitives, i.e. they will contain their boundaries. A geometric complex gml:GeometricComplex is defined by ISO 19107 :2003, 6.6.1 as ―a set of primitive geometric objects in a common coordinate system whose interiors are disjoint. Further, if a primitive is in a geometric complex, then there exists a set of primitives in that complex whose point-wise union is the boundary of this first primitive.‖ A geometric composite gml:CompositeCurve, gml:CompositeSurface and gml:CompositeSolid represents a geometric complex with an underlying core geometry that is isomorphic to a primitive, i.e. it can be viewed as a primitive and as a complex. See ISO 19107:2003, 6.1 and 6.6.3 for more details on the nature of composite geometries. Geometric complexes and composites are intended to be used in application schemas where the sharing of geometry is important.

11.2 Geometric complex and geometric composites

11.2.1 Geometric complex GeometricComplexType, GeometricComplex complexType name=GeometricComplexType complexContent extension base=gml:AbstractGeometryType sequence element name=element type=gml:GeometricPrimitivePropertyType maxOccurs=unbounded