SRSReferenceGroup Abstract geometry .1 AbstractGeometryType

Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 57 The attribute axisLabels is an ordered list of labels for all the axes of this CRS. The gml:axisAbbrev value should be used for these axis labels, after spaces and forbidden characters are removed. When the srsName attribute is included, this attribute is optional. When the srsName attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted. The attribute uomLabels is an ordered list of unit of measure uom labels for all the axes of this CRS. The value of the string in the gml:catalogSymbol should be used for this uom labels, after spaces and forbidden characters are removed. When the axisLabels attribute is included, this attribute shall also be included. When the axisLabels attribute is omitted, this attribute shall also be omitted. AbstractGeometry

element name=AbstractGeometry type=gml:AbstractGeometryType abstract=true substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractGML The gml:AbstractGeometry element is the abstract head of the substitution group for all geometry elements of GML. This includes predefined and user-defined geometry elements. Any geometry element shall be a direct or indirect extensionrestriction of gml:AbstractGeometryType and shall be directly or indirectly in the substitution group of gml:AbstractGeometry. D.2.3.2 specifies the implementation of ISO 19107 GM_Object by this GML object. GeometryPropertyType

complexType name=GeometryPropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 element ref=gml:AbstractGeometry sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup complexType A geometric property may either be any geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same or another document. Note that either the reference or the contained element shall be given, but not both or none, see 7.2.3. If a feature has a property that takes a geometry element as its value, this is called a geometry property. A generic type for such a geometry property is gml:GeometryPropertyType which follows the general rules described in 7.2.3. GeometryArrayPropertyType

complexType name=GeometryArrayPropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded element ref=gml:AbstractGeometry sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup complexType If a feature has a property which takes an array of geometry elements as its value, this is called a geometry array property. A generic type for such a geometry property is gml:GeometryArrayPropertyType which follows the general rules described in 7.2.3.