DirectedFacePropertyType, directedFace Topological primitives 2-dimensional .1 FaceType, Face

Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 143 choice attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup complexType The topological boundary of a solid gml:directedFace consists of a set of directed faces. NOTE 1 All faces associated with the solid, including dangling faces, appear in the boundary. A dangling face has the same solid on both sides. Two directedFace elements with opposite orientations reference each dangling face in the boundary of a topological solid. A solid may optionally be realized by a 3-dimensional geometric primitive gml:solidProperty. A gml:TopoSolid shall indicate whether it is a universal topo solid or not, to ensure a lossless topology representation. The optional universal attribute of type boolean is used to indicate this and the default is false. NOTE 2 The universal topo solid is normally not part of any feature, and is used to represent the unbounded portion of the data set. Its interior boundary it has no exterior boundary would normally be considered the exterior boundary of the data set. DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType, directedTopoSolid

element name=directedTopoSolid type=gml:DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType complexType name=DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 element ref=gml:TopoSolid sequence attribute name=orientation type=gml:SignType default=+ attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup complexType The gml:directedSolid property element describes the coBoundary of topology faces and is used in the support of volume features via the gml:TopoVolume expression, see below. The orientation attribute of type gml:SignType expresses the sense in which the included solid appears in the face coboundary. In the context of a gml:TopoVolume the orientation attribute has no meaning.

13.4 Topological collections

13.4.1 Topological collection 0-dimensional TopoPointType, TopoPoint complexType name=TopoPointType complexContent extension base=gml:AbstractTopologyType sequence element ref=gml:directedNode sequence extension complexContent complexType element name=TopoPoint type=gml:TopoPointType The intended use of gml:TopoPoint is to appear within a point feature to express the structural and possibly geometric relationships of this feature to other features via shared node definitions.