Overview Observation Observation schema

Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 195 The gml:validTime element is declared in In this context it describes the time of the observation. Note that this may be a time instant or a time period. EXAMPLE Some examples of simple observations are as follows: gml:Observation gml:validTime gml:TimeInstant gml:timePosition2002-11-12T09:12:00gml:timePosition gml:TimeInstant gml:validTime gml:using xlink:href=http:www.my.orgsensorsthermometer4 gml:target xlink:href=http:www.environment.orgstationsl456 gml:resultOf gml:Quantity uom=C18.4gml:Quantity gml:resultOf gml:Observation gml:Observation gml:validTime gml:TimeInstant gml:timePosition2002-11-12T09:12:00gml:timePosition gml:TimeInstant gml:validTime gml:using xlink:href=http:www.my.orgcamerasleica2 gml:subject xlink:href=http:www.tourist.orgsightsmountain3 gml:resultOf xlink:href=http:www.my.orgphotoslandscape1.jpg gml:Observation gml:Observation gml:validTime gml:TimeInstant gml:timePosition2002-10-25T11:37:25gml:timePosition gml:TimeInstant gml:validTime gml:subject xlink:href=http:www.people.orgkidsabby gml:resultOf xlink:href=myDaughtersPortrait.jpg gml:Observation

18.2.3 using

The gml:using property contains or references a description of a procedure such as a camera used for the observation. It is declared as follows: element name=using type=gml: ProcedurePropertyType complexType name=ProcedurePropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 element ref=gml:AbstractFeature sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup complexType

18.2.4 target

The gml:target property contains or references the specimen, region or station which is the object of the observation. This property element is declared in the schema as follows: 196 Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. element name=target type=gml:TargetPropertyType element name=subject type=gml:TargetPropertyType substitutionGroup=gml:target complexType name=TargetPropertyType choice minOccurs=0 element ref=gml:AbstractFeature element ref=gml:AbstractGeometry choice attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup complexType This property is particularly useful for remote observations, such as photographs, where a generic location property might apply to the location of the camera or the location of the field of view, and thus may be ambiguous. The gml:subject element is provided as a convenient synonym for gml:target. This is the term commonly used in photography. NOTE gml:Observation does not contain a predefined location property. If the schema developer wishes to specify a concrete location for the observation point location of the sensor would do so through a location property, e.g. with a point as a value. In the case where the target has a known direction but unknown distance to the observation point remote sensing gml:DirectedObservation should be used. Where the relative direction and distance are known, gml:DirectedObservationAtDistance should be used. EXAMPLE An application defined observation feature type with a location of the observation point could be specified as element name=ObservationWithSensorLocation type=app:ObservationWithSensorLocationType substitutionGroup=gml:Observation complexType name=ObservationWithSensorLocationType complexContent extension base=gml:ObservationType sequence element name=positionOfSensor type=gml:PointPropertyType sequence extension complexContent complexType

18.2.5 resultOf

The gml:resultOf property indicates the result of the observation. The value may be inline, or a reference to a value elsewhere. It is declared in the schema as follows: element name=resultOf type=gml:ResultType complexType name=ResultType sequence minOccurs=0 any namespace =‖any‖ sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup complexType EXAMPLE A result property with a gml:DataBlock recording the observation of a temperature and a pressure measurement. gml:DataBlock gml:rangeParameters