Import GML coverage schema components

Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 235 NOTE 2 This International Standard provides the concrete coverage types gml:MultiPointCoverage, gml:MultiCurveCoverage, gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage, gml:MultiSolidCoverage, gml:GridCoverage, and gml:RectifiedGridCoverage. Application coverages may derive from any of these as well. Any user-defined coverage subtype shall inherit the elements and attributes of the base GML coverage types without restriction, but may extend these base types to meet application requirements, such as providing a finer degree of interoperability with legacy systems and data sets. All rules specified in Clauses 7, 9 and 19 shall be followed.

21.8.4 Range parameters shall be substitutable for AbstractValue

The coverage application schema shall define or import the definitions for all range parameters. Each such range parameter shall be substitutable for gml:AbstractValue as defined in 16.4. Note that this allows the range parameter to take on a wide range of types. Note further that the schema components specified in 16.4 include several abstract subtypes that are substitutable for gml:AbstractValue, including gml:AbstractScalarValue and gml:AbstractValueList. Concrete scalar and value list types, and substitution group head elements, are also provided substitutable for gml:AbstractScalarValue or gml:AbstractValueList and include:  gml:Category the content model is specified by gml:CodeType  gml:CategoryList the content model is specified by gml:CodeOrNilReasonListType  gml:Quantity the content model is specified by gml:MeasureType  gml:QuantityList the content model is specified by gml:MeasureOrNilReasonListType  gml:Count the content model is specified by gml:CountType  gml:Boolean the content model is specified by gml:BooleanType To define the range parameters in a Coverage Application Schema, refer to 16.4. EXAMPLE Typical examples of the use of the value types in the development of a GML coverage can be found in 19.3, and are summarized in Table 8.