Category, CategoryList Value objects schema

186 Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. gml:Categorygoodgml:Category gml:Category xsi:nil=‖true‖ nilReason=‖missing‖ gml:Category codeSpace=http:my.big.orgdictionariesrocktypesSyenitegml:Category gml:CategoryList codeSpace=http:my.big.orgdictionariesrocktypesSyenite Granite missing Tuffgml:CategoryList gml:CategoryList codeSpace=―http:my.big.orgspecies―bettong numbat phasogale wallaby possum gml:CategoryList

16.4.5 Count, CountList

For recording integers representing a rate of occurrence. These elements use the following schema declarations: element name=Count substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValue nillable=true complexType simpleContent extension base=integer attribute name=nilReason type=gml:NilReasonType extension simpleContent complexType element element name=CountList type=gml:integerOrNilReasonList substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValueList EXAMPLE In an instance the following examples may be found: gml:Count513gml:Count gml:Count xsi:nil=‖true‖ nilReason=‖missing‖ gml:CountList34 56 2 inapplicable 153gml:CountList

16.4.6 Quantity, QuantityList

For recording numeric values with a scale. The content of the element is an amount using the XML Schema type double which permits decimal or scientific notation. These elements use the following schema declarations: element name=Quantity substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValue nillable=true complexType simpleContent extension base=gml:MeasureType attribute name=nilReason type=gml:NilReasonType extension simpleContent complexType element element name=QuantityList type=gml:MeasureOrNilReasonListType substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValueList An XML attribute uom ―unit of measure‖ is required, whose value is a URI which identifies the definition of a ratio scale or units by which the numeric value shall be multiplied, or an interval or position scale on which the value occurs. EXAMPLE In an instance the following examples may be found: gml:Quantity uom=m4.32e-4gml:Quantity gml:Quantity xsi:nil=‖true‖ nilReason=‖withheld‖ Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 187 gml:QuantityList uom=C21. 37. withheld 25.gml:QuantityList

16.4.7 AbstractValue, AbstractScalarValue, AbstractScalarValueList

gml:AbstractValue is an abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group which contains gml:AbstractScalarValue, gml:AbstractScalarValueList, gml:CompositeValue and gml:ValueExtent, and transitively the elements in their substitution groups. gml:AbstractScalarValue is an abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group which contains gml:Boolean, gml:Category, gml:Count and gml:Quantity, and transitively the elements in their substitution groups. gml:AbstractScalarValueList is an abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group which contains gml:BooleanList, gml:CategoryList, gml:CountList and gml:QuantityList, and transitively the elements in their substitution groups. These elements use the following schema declarations: element name=AbstractValue type=anyType abstract=true substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractObject element name=AbstractScalarValue type=anyType abstract=true substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractValue element name=AbstractScalarValueList type=anyType abstract=true substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractValue These elements may be used in an application schema as variables, so that in an XML instance document any member of its substitution group may occur.

16.4.8 Value

This is a convenience choice group which unifies generic values defined in this clause with spatial and temporal objects and the measures described above, so that any of these may be used within aggregate values. This element uses the following schema declaration: group name=Value choice element ref=gml:AbstractValue element ref=gml:AbstractGeometry element ref=gml:AbstractTimeObject element ref=gml:Null choice group

16.4.9 valueProperty, valueComponent, valueComponents

Elements that instantiates a GML property which refers to, or contains, a Value or Values; these elements use the following schema declarations: element name=valueProperty type=gml:ValuePropertyType element name=valueComponent type=gml:ValuePropertyType complexType name=ValuePropertyType sequence minOccurs=0 group ref=gml:Value sequence attributeGroup ref=gml:AssociationAttributeGroup