Introduction Value objects schema

Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 185  Schemas which need values may use the abstract element gml:AbstractValue in a content model in order to permit any of the gml:AbstractScalarValues, gml:AbstractScalarValueLists, gml:CompositeValue or gml:ValueExtent to occur in an instance, or the named group gml:Value to also permit gml:AbstractTimeObjects, gml:AbstractGeometrys, and gml:Nulls deprecated.

16.4.3 Boolean, BooleanList

For recording a value or list of values from two-valued logic, using the XML Schema boolean type; these elements use the following schema declarations: element name=Boolean substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValue nillable=true complexType simpleContent extension base=boolean attribute name=nilReason type=gml:NilReasonType extension simpleContent complexType element element name=BooleanList type=gml:booleanOrNilReasonList substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValueList gml:booleanOrNilReasonList is described in EXAMPLE In an instance the following examples may be found: gml:Boolean1gml:Boolean gml:Booleanfalsegml:Boolean gml:Boolean xsi:nil=‖true‖ nilReason=‖missing‖ gml:BooleanList1 missing 0 1 1 http:my.big.orgexplanationstheDogAteIt 0 1gml:BooleanList NOTE These examples illustrate the use of the various Boolean values {1, 0, true, false} and also the fact that nilReason values such as ―missing‖ or a URI may be embedded within a list.

16.4.4 Category, CategoryList

For recording terms representing a classification. These elements use the following schema declarations: element name=Category substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValue nillable=true complexType simpleContent extension base=gml:CodeType attribute name=nilReason type=gml:NilReasonType extension simpleContent complexType element element name=CategoryList type=gml:CodeOrNilReasonListType substitutionGroup=gml:AbstractScalarValueList A gml:Category has an optional XML attribute codeSpace, whose value is a URI which identifies a dictionary, codelist or authority for the term. EXAMPLE In an instance the following examples may be found: