Preference Structure The Scope of Conversation Analysis

18 film by asking B whether she already knows about the film or not. The question is in turn followed by B ’s answer . Further to this, A finally launches the invitation in which B accepts it in reply. In this situation, the question-answer session prior to the invitation is called pre-sequence, and the type of the pre-sequence is pre- invitation. 2 Insert-expansions or Insert-sequences Insert-sequence, which is also known as insertion sequence, is a sequence inserted between a base FPP and a base SPP Yule, 1996: 78. Although it appears to be a sequence that delays the outcome of a base SPP, it still performs some conversational actions related to a base sequence. It is sometimes produced to seek more explanation for an unclear base FPP. e.g. Agent : Do you want the early flight? Client : What time does it arrive? Agent : Nine forty-five. Insert-sequence Client : Yeah, that’s great. Yule, 1996: 78 In the dialogue, the agent asks the client whether she wants to take the early flight. However, the client does not give hisher answer immediately. She delays the answer by asking the agent about when the flight will arrive. As soon as the agent gives an answer to the question, the client elicits an answer to the initial question produced by the agent. In this case, the question-answer sequence initiated by the client serves as an insertion sequence. 3 Post-expansions or Post-sequences Post-sequence is a sequence which follows a base SPP. It may occur as a reaction towards a base SPP. Post-sequence has two types: minimal and non- 19 minimal Sidnell, 2010: 104. A minimal post-expansion consists of only one turn. It ordinarily functions to be a closing turn following a sequence prior to it Liddicoat, 2007: 152. On the other hand, a non-minimal post-expansion contains a sequence of two turns which projects a further sequence Liddicoat, 2007: 170. e.g. Nancy : Does he have his own apartment? Hyla : hhhh Yeah. Nancy : Oh.  minimal post-expansion Heritage in Sidnell, 2010: 104 In the extract, it is shown that the speakers make a sequence of question- answer. The first speaker, Nancy, addresses a YesNo question to the second speaker, Hyla, in which Hyla subsequently responds to the question with a brief answer. Following the answer, Nancy produces another turn of her own by saying Oh. At this point, the short response Oh acts as a minimal post-expansion that closes the question-answer sequence. It serves as an indication that Nancy has received necessary information from an answer to her question given by Hyla.

d. Repair

When doing a conversational exchange, participants commonly encounter problems with what they are saying and then to have a momentary break to fix the problems. Repair is a term that represents a set of actions carried out by participants to deal with the overall problems and difficulties which arise in talk Liddicoat, 2007: 171. The concept of repair is wider than solely a correction to an error. There is a situation where speakers repair their utterances while they do not create any obvious error. An example of this case is presented below. Sure enough ten minutes later the bell r — the doorbell rang. Schegloff et al. in Chaika, 1982: 86 20 In the example, the speaker repairs the word bell in hisher utterance by replacing it with another word doorbell. Owing to the fact that a bell can ring, it seems alright if the speaker does not make any repair since the word bell still fits the context or meaning of the utterance. Yet, the speaker feels that she has said a less precise term, i.e. bell, while uttering his idea, and therefore decides to repair it with the more precise one, i.e. doorbell. This situation indicates that a repair initiation can emerge even when there is no recognizable error produced within an utterance. There are a variety of phenomena taking place in repair, including word recovery problems, self-editing, correction propererror replacement, and some others Levinson, 1983: 341. The example given previously is one kind of self- editing repair where the speaker of the trouble source initiates and repairs hisher own mistake. In fact, a repair can be both initiated and resolved either by the speaker of the trouble source or by the recipientlistener Sidnell, 2010: 110. In connection with this, repair can be categorized into some types based on who acts as the repair initiator and the repair executor. Schegloff et al. in Liddicoat, 2007: 173 propose four types of repair. They use the term self to refer to the speaker of the repairable item and other to any other participant. 1 Self-initiated self-repair This repair occurs when the ongoing speaker initiates a trouble in hisher talk and then fixes the problem himselfherself. e.g. N : She was giving me all the people that were gone this year I mean this quarter you know J : Yeah Schegloff, Jefferson Sacks in Levinson, 1983: 340