Adjacency Pairs The Scope of Conversation Analysis

16 The two examples above are similar in terms of the FPP projected, that is, an invitation. The difference between those examples is laid on how the second speaker responds to the invitation. In the first example, Jane as the second speaker uses a preferred structure to reply to Amy’s invitation. She states an acceptance immediately and her words contain a simple structure. On the contrary, the second example shows a different case. Joy, as the person invited, performs a dispreferred act of rejection to Harry’s invitation by delaying the response with a short silence and arranging it with structurally complex components. To design the response, Joy employs a hesitation marker huh, an expression of doubt well, I don’t really know, statements for understanding you see; you know, and an account it’s a bit hectic for me on Wednesday to explain the reason why he may not be able to accept the invitation.

c. Sequence Organization

In sequence organization, adjacency pairs are regarded as the basic forms of sequences at talk since they are only constructed of two turns each of which establishes an FPP and an SPP Wilkinson and Kitzinger, 2011: 26. With respect to this, sequences of talk can have more complex forms than adjacency pairs. They may be expanded into comprising more than two turns. A sequence expansion can occur in a range of different places. It can come before an FPP of an adjacency pair, between an FPP and an SPP of an adjacency pair, or after an SPP of an adjacency pair. In their technical terms, these three possibilities of the production of a sequence expansion are generally called pre-expansions, insert- expansions, and post-expansions Liddicoat, 2007: 125. Since expansions can be 17 made up of sequences in their own right, they may also be termed pre-sequences, insert-sequences, and post-sequences. Sidnell illustrates the occurrences of the three types of expansions as follows 2010: 95. Figure 1: The Illustration of the Occurrences of Pre-expansions, Insert- expansions and Post-expansions in Sequence Expansions The discussion of the three types of sequence expansions is provided in the following section. 1 Pre-expansions or Pre-sequences Pre-expansion or pre-sequence is a sequence that precedes a base FPP. It is composed of utterances preliminary to some particular action projected in a base sequence. Cutting 2002: 31 tells that a pre-sequence serves as a sequence which introduces a further sequence. In other words, a pre-sequence is a prelude to another sequence. e.g. A : You know that French film that’s on in the Odeon? Pre-sequence B : Yes? A : Do you want to go and see it tonight? B : Yeah, why not? Cutting, 2002: 31 In the example, it is noticed that A wants to invite B to watch a film together. However, before uttering hisher intention, A previously talks about the Pre-expansions Insert-expansions Post-expansions Second pair parts First pair parts Adjacency pairs 18 film by asking B whether she already knows about the film or not. The question is in turn followed by B ’s answer . Further to this, A finally launches the invitation in which B accepts it in reply. In this situation, the question-answer session prior to the invitation is called pre-sequence, and the type of the pre-sequence is pre- invitation. 2 Insert-expansions or Insert-sequences Insert-sequence, which is also known as insertion sequence, is a sequence inserted between a base FPP and a base SPP Yule, 1996: 78. Although it appears to be a sequence that delays the outcome of a base SPP, it still performs some conversational actions related to a base sequence. It is sometimes produced to seek more explanation for an unclear base FPP. e.g. Agent : Do you want the early flight? Client : What time does it arrive? Agent : Nine forty-five. Insert-sequence Client : Yeah, that’s great. Yule, 1996: 78 In the dialogue, the agent asks the client whether she wants to take the early flight. However, the client does not give hisher answer immediately. She delays the answer by asking the agent about when the flight will arrive. As soon as the agent gives an answer to the question, the client elicits an answer to the initial question produced by the agent. In this case, the question-answer sequence initiated by the client serves as an insertion sequence. 3 Post-expansions or Post-sequences Post-sequence is a sequence which follows a base SPP. It may occur as a reaction towards a base SPP. Post-sequence has two types: minimal and non-