Number Gender Problems of English - Indonesian Grammatical Categories in Translation

36 understand, in the sense that it isn’t clear how they should be represented, or what rules should be used to describe them.

2.8.1 Number

Grammatical category of number indicates singular or plural. Baker 1992: 88 states that “a translator working from a language, which has number distinctions into a language with no category of number, has two mains options: 1 omit the relevant information or number, 2 encode this information lexically”. “Unless the context specifically demands it, regular reference to information normally left unspecified in a given language will only make the translation awkward and unnatural because it will not reflect normal ways of reporting experience in the target language” Baker 1992: 90. In indicating plurality, English uses morpheme –s, meanwhile Bahasa Indonesia sometimes repeats the noun, reduplicates it or limited by para, kaum, and banyak. The plural form in English also used to point noun in unity. Plural form of English influenced by morphological factor such as childchildren, mousemice and phonological factor for example; penpens, brushbrushes, boxboxes. In certain conditions, a plural noun also began by a plural determiner, such as some novels, many children, and six dogs. When those double expressions translated in Bahasa Indonesia, redundancy will be occured. For example: the English sentence 54 Lions are wild animal is translated into: 55 Singa-singa adalah binatang buas, 56 Para singa adalah binatang buas, 57 Kaum singa adalah binatang buas, 58 Banyak singa adalah binatang buas. The Indonesian 37 translation above cannot be accepted in Bahasa Indonesia. 55 seems useless to repeat the noun, 56 and 57 cannot be accepted because para and kaum used for human 58 gives ambiguity because it means that there are some lions that are not wild. The translation above should be: 59 Singa adalah binatang buas, or 60 Semua singa adalah binatang buas.

2.8.2 Gender

“There is now a conscious attempt to replace the unmarked masculine form ’he’ in English with forms such as she, he or she, and him or her” Baker 1992: 91. To produce a good translation product, the bilingualism ability of the translator is not enough. She should have bicultural ability or cross cultures understanding. It happens because language and culture cannot be separated each other. From, “in Bahasa Indonesia, men masculine are supposed to be an active, aggressive, and powerful object to do something”. That’s why in Bahasa Indonesia, women feminine are more customary ‘dinikahi are married by’ and men ‘menikahi marry to’. Here are the examples: 61 Tono menikahi Tini Tono marries to Tini; Tini dinikahi Tono Tini is married by Tono, 62 Tono melamar Tini Tono proposes Tini; Tini dilamar Tono Tini is proposed by Tono. From these examples, “however women feminine are put in the front; they are still in passive position and not as the doer” Machali 2000: 127. The translators could get difficulties when translating a common sentence from a man to his girlfriend in Hollywood movies: “Will you marry me?” The 38 translation should be “Maukah kau menikahi aku?” Nevertheless, it does not sound right based on our culture, it should be “Bersediakah kamu menikah denganku?” “As an Indonesian woman who has norm, she is not allowed to ask. A woman is supposed to be beautiful, dumb, waiting, and passive and has no power”

2.8.3 Person