SL Active – TL Active SL Active – TL Passive

76 SL Active – TL Active

English active sentences marked by verbs which are not preceded by ‘be’. Indonesian active, especially active transitive can be marked by transitive verbs use prefix me- or me-kan. Active intransitive is followed by intransitive verbs, which cannot be followed by objects or nouns. For examples: 62 a. Peacock.....” Yaxley thrust his wand back under his cloak with a snort. S.13 b. Merak......” Yaxley menyelipkan kembali tongkatnya ke balik jubah sambil mendengus. S.13 The sentences above are active transitive. It is marked by an object follows the verbs. The word ‘thrust’ is active verb translated into ‘menyelipkan’. The word ‘menyelipkan’ itself is an active verb uses prefix meny-kan. 63 a. Snape was smiling. S.56 b. Snape tersenyum. S.56 Both English and Indonesian verbs indicate active. Prefix ter- in the word ’tersenyum’ doesn’t mean passive form. 64 a. The Order believes that we have infiltrated the Ministry.” S.63 b. Orde percaya bahwa kita telah menginfiltrasi Kementrian.” S.63 The word ’believes’ and its translation, ’percaya’ are active transitive verbs which can be followed by objects. It can be said that the object is ’they have infiltrated the Ministry’. Verb phrase ’have infiltrated’ which translated into ’telah menginfiltrasi’ is also active transitive verb with followed by the Ministry as the 77 object. It shows that English active voice is translated into active form in Bahasa Indonesia. SL Active – TL Passive

Some English active sentences are changed into passive sentences in Indonesian through translation process. It does not mean that equivalence is not achieved but it means that it reaches higher level equivalence. The following sentences are the examples: 65 a. As their eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light, they were drawn upward to the strangest feature of the scene: an apparently unconscious human figure hanging upside down over the table, revolving slowly as if suspended by an invisible rope, and reflected in the mirror and in the bare, polished surface of the table below S.29 b. Setelah mata mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan ketiadaan cahaya, pandangan mereka tertarik ke atas, ke pemandangan yang paling aneh: sesosok manusia yang tampaknya pingsan tergantung terbalik di atas meja, berputar pelan seakan tergantung pada tali yang tidak kelihatan, dan bayangannya terpantul di cermin serta permukaan meja yang berpelitur dan kosong dibawahnya. S.29 The word ‘hanging’ is an active verb. It explains the condition of an object, ‘an apparently unconscious human figure’ that ‘was hanging’. It is translated into Indonesian word ‘tergantung’ which is a passive verb with prefix 78 ter- to indicate passive. The translation can be accepted because it doesn’t change the message. 66 a. ”The place, according to the source, has been given every protection that the Order and Ministry together could provide. S.72 b. ”Tempat itu, menurut si sumber, telah dilindungi dengan segala macam sihir perlindungan yang bisa diberikan Orde dan Kementrian bersama-sama. S. 72 The verb phrase ’could provide’ shows active voice. It means that the subjects, ’the Order and Ministry’ do the activity. The translation is passive with prefix di- that shows passive. Although the active is changed into passive, the message doesn’t change because the position of the subjects are also changed. 67 a. This brat has nothing to do with either of us, nor any beast she marries.” S.175 b. Anak celaka ini tak ada hubungannya dengan kami, begitu pula binatang yang dikawininya.” S.178 Like sentence 66, the word ’marries’ in sentence 67 which is active verb is translated into Indonesian word ’dikawini’ with prefix di- to indicate passive. It is acceptable because the agent is still ’she’ which the position is changed in Indonesian sentence. 79 SL Passive – TL Active