SL Feminine – TL General SL Feminine – TL Feminine

63 33 a. ”To his right, his son, Draco, who had been gazing up at the inert body overhead, glanced quickly at Voldemort and away again, terrified to make eye contact. S.156 b. Di sebelah kanannya, anaknya Draco, yang selama ini menatap sosok diam di atas, mengerling sekilas kepada Voldemort dan cepat-cepat memalingkan wajah lagi, ngeri berkontak mata dengannya. S.156 In sentence 33, the word ‘son’ refers to male little kid. It points to masculine reference. The word ‘anak itu’ used to translate it which doesn’t represent the concept ‘son’ in Bahasa Indonesia. But the translation is acceptable because there is only one child of Malfoy, named Draco included in the meeting. So it points directly to Malfoy’s child who is masculine. SL Feminine – TL General

Like masculine reference, feminine is sometimes also used to point general reference. It will not create meaning distortion because it achieves higher level of equivalence. Here are the examples: 34 a. She sat beside her sister, as unlike her in looks, with her dark hair and heavily lidded eyes, as she was in bearing and demeanor; S.159 b. Dia duduk di sebelah adiknya, dengan rambutnya yang hitam dan mata berpelupuk tebal. S.159 64 English make distinctions between feminine and masculine singular third person. The word ‘she’ belongs to feminine singular third person. It has possessive form her which followed by nouns, such as in ‘her sister’ and ‘her dark hair’. Bahasa Indonesia doesn’t differentiate between feminine and masculine references of singular third person. Both of them use ‘dia’ and the possessive form –nya that preceded by noun, such as in ‘adiknya’ and ‘rambutnya’. SL Feminine – TL Feminine

Equivalence can be achieved through closest meaning. And to get the closest meaning, feminine should be translated into feminine, as follows: 35 a.”My Lord,” said a dark woman halfway down the table, her voice constricted with emotion, “it is an honor to have you here, in our family’s house. S.157 b. ”Yang Mulia,” kata seorang wanita berkulit gelap yang duduk di pertengahan meja, suaranya sesak terbebani emosi, ”sungguh suatu kehormatan Anda berada di sini, di rumah keluarga kami. S.157 The word ‘a…woman’ means an adult female that points to feminine reference. The word ‘seorang wanita’ is used to translate ‘a…woman’ which has the same meaning. The translation shows the same concept both in English and Bahasa Indonesia because they provide specific information of feminine reference. 65 36 a. Her face flooded with color, her eyes welled with tears of delight. S.162 b. Wajah wanita itu semburat kemerahan; air mata kebahagiaan merebak. S.164 As explained in 34 above that ‘her’ is possessive form of feminine singular third person which followed by noun. The translation is ‘wanita itu’, which points directly to feminine reference. ‘Wanita itu’ preceded by noun ‘wajah’ means that it is as possessive form. It shows that the translation gives the equivalence concept. 37 a. She stared at him, her lips parted, evidently confused. S.165 b. Wanita itu menatapnya, bibirnya terbuka, jelas sekali dia bingung S.167 The words ‘she’ in English and ‘wanita itu’ in Bahasa Indonesia indicate feminine reference. The functions of these words are as subjects. Equivalence of translation has been achieved in this part.

4.2.3 Person