SL Singular – TL Plural SL Plural – TL Singular

53 Non-countable nouns are not immediately preceded by articles aan in English. As seen in 8 to 11 above. In bahasa Indonesia, the nouns are also not preceded by any adverbs of singular or expressions of quantity. SL Singular – TL Plural

Some English singular nouns are sometimes translated into plural in Bahasa Indonesia, however it does not change the meaning or message because this non equivalence is made to achieve higher level of equivalence, such as happened in the following sentences: 11 a.”The place, according to the source has been given every protection that the Order and Ministry together could provide. S.72 b.”Tempat itu, menurut si sumber, telah dilindungi dengan segala macam sihir perlindungan yang bisa diberikan Orde dan Kementrian bersama-sama. S.72 ’Every’ is an expression of quantity used only with count nouns to indicate singularity. It is followed by singular noun and requires singular verbs Vses. ’Every’ is usually translated into ’setiap’ in bahasa Indonesia. In here, ’every’ points to singular is translated into ’segala’ points to plural. But the translation is acceptable here because the word ’every’ is usually used when the speaker means ’all’. 13 a. The company around the table watched Voldemort apprehensively, each of them, by his or her expression, afraid that they might be blamed for Harry Potter’s continued existence. S.102 54 b. Orang-orang di sekeliling meja menatap Voldemort dengan gelisah, masing-masing, tampak dari ekspresi wajah mereka, takut dipersalahkan Harry Potter masih ada sampai saat ini. S.102 The word ‘company’ points to a unity, but it is plural noun and takes plural verb. So that, ‘orang-orang’ as plural nouns in Bahasa Indonesia is equal to translate ‘the company’. SL Plural – TL Singular

Some Indonesian words are in singular forms when used to indicate general or refer to unspecific thing or person of the group. It shows that equivalence can be achieved through non equivalence. This kind of equivalence is higher level of equivalence. 14 a. The men’s long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched. S.6 b. Jubah panjang kedua laki-laki itu berkepak-kepak di sekeliling pergelangan kaki mereka selagi mereka berjalan. S.6 The word ‘cloak’ and ‘ankle’ with ending –s indicate plurality. We can see in the sentence above that they are translated in Bahasa Indonesia in singular forms, ‘jubah’ and ‘pergelangan kaki’. Although, the forms are different, it can be accepted because they keep pointing to plurality. The words ‘kedua laki-laki itu’ from the word ‘the men’s’ and ‘mereka’ from the word ‘their’ which show plural possessives are followed the nouns. That is the rule in Bahasa Indonesia. 55 15 a. The eyes of the pale-faced portraits on the wall followed Snape and Yaxley as they stood past. S.23 b. Mata lukisan-lukisan berwajah pucat di dinding mengikuti Snape dan Yaxley ketika mereka lewat S.23 ‘The eyes of the portraits’ means the right and left eyes of more than one portrait. It can be seen that the nouns are plural with ending –s. The word ‘portraits’ which is plural is translated into plural form ‘lukisan-lukisan’. The word ‘the eyes’ is not translated in plural form but in singular form, ‘mata’. It is acceptable because it doesn’t change the meaning. Indonesian word ‘mata’ has general meaning. It points to the right and the left parts. If it translated into ‘mata- mata lukisan-lukisan itu’, It occurs redundancy and useless. SL Plural – TL Plural