Syntactic Features Linguistic Features in Advertisement

20 That is why advertisement and advertising cannot be separated. Advertisement should be made as the public communication by involving companies as a message sender in order to persuade the consumers as a message receiver. While according to Leon Quera 1973, “Advertising customarily considered as an effort to present a persuasive message about a product by an individual company.” It can be said that advertisement is form of communication used to persuade or attract the audience. This part is going to explain about advertising and advertisement. There are several things which related with advertising and advertisement. They are the definition of advertisement, the functions of advertisement and types of advertisement.

b. The Functions of Advertisement

Bovée and Arens 1986, p. 9 divide the function of the advertising into five functions. The first function is marketing function, this function is to increase the sales or profit, to make money, sell products and also companies develop marketing strategies. Second function is communication function, this function had beginnings in ancient civilization. Communication of information is one of the basic functions of the advertising. The third function is education function, people learn from advertising. People learn about the product, selling, and marketing. Moreover, advertising must be educational to be successful. Fourth, economic function, advertising promotes sales and commerce is to make people aware of the products, services, and ideas. The last function is social function, advertising is one of the major things to raise the standard of living in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 countries around the world. An advertisement can also motivate people to buy the products through give an attractive picture of the product.

c. Types of Advertisement

Based on Gilson and Berkman 1986 the classification advertisement is divided into four types. They are printed media e.g.: newspaper and magazine, broadcasted media e.g.: television and radio, direct and special media e.g.: catalogue, mail package, pen, and calendar, and out-of-home and directory media e.g.: poster in the bus shelter.

3. Persuasion Techniques in Advertisement

“Persuasion is a symbolic activity whose purpose is to effect the internalization or voluntary acceptance of few cognitive states or patterns of overt behavior through the exchange of message.” Ross 1994, p. 8. It can be said that people have a choice toward the persuasion. The persuasion can exchange people’s mind but they can choose whether they want to accept it or not. Besides, Hornby 1995, p. 864 defines that “persuasion refers to the action of persuading or being persuaded.” It means that a persuasion have a characteristics to spurred people to act or do something. The persuasion has to have a quality in persuading people. According to Kleppner 1986, the classification of persuasive techniques is divided marketing situation and human characteristics. There are three persuasive techniques. They are pioneering stage, competitive stage, and retentive stage. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22

a. Pioneering Stage

Pioneering stage technique is used to introduce a new variant product which has been released in the market. This technique is used by advertisers to convince customers that their products have good quality and it can satisfy the customers. The advertisers also show their products to the customers and they can find their needs by using the products. Based on Kleppner’s 1986 theory, there are some purposes of pioneering stage, they are; to educate consumers about new product or service, to show that people have a need they did not appreciate before and that advertised product fulfill their need, to show that a product now exist although it already had been recognized but previously cannot have been fulfilled. It can be said that this technique aims to convince the consumers about their new variant product which can fulfill consumers’ need instead of their previous product in market. The example is Nike shoes. At the first time Nike sold running shoes with sonar detectors which could tell them how far and fast they had run. Then, Nike introduced Nike + shoes system of running which had sensor to calculate the speed of runners.

b. Competitive Stage

Many advertisements compete with others’ products. They want to make people interested with their product. In competitive stage, the advertisers guide the people to choose their product which is available in the market. Then, people will think which the best one product so they will choose it. The advertisers have to show their product quality and uniqueness to make customers buy their product. Kleppner 1986 says that the purpose of competitive stage is to 23 communicate the products’ position or differentiate it to consumers. It means that the advertisers tell their products’ position in the market to the consumers and also tell their superiority of their products from other products so the consumers will choose their products. For instant, there is a better way to smooth your skin Nivia Lotion. So Nivia lotion claims that their product is better from other product to smooth skin.

c. Retentive Stage

Retentive stage is used to remind the customers about the product which still exists in the market. The product usually exists for long time, so that the advertisers have to remember their product. This technique is to maintain the existence of a product because over the year, many successful product companies stop their advertising and it makes the public forgot about their product quickly. Besides, there are other products challenge the leadership position so this technique has to use as long as possible to maintain the products. Example of retentive stage is Coca-Cola product. Coca-Cola has effectively used magazine advertisement for years. Some of Coca-Cola advertisement only shows the bottle of coke and company logo but it reminds the readers of the product and then they buy it.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section provides the theories used to answer the research questions. In this research, the researcher used theories about linguistic features in cigarette advertisement slogans. In order to answer first research question, the researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI