The Definition of Advertisement

23 communicate the products’ position or differentiate it to consumers. It means that the advertisers tell their products’ position in the market to the consumers and also tell their superiority of their products from other products so the consumers will choose their products. For instant, there is a better way to smooth your skin Nivia Lotion. So Nivia lotion claims that their product is better from other product to smooth skin.

c. Retentive Stage

Retentive stage is used to remind the customers about the product which still exists in the market. The product usually exists for long time, so that the advertisers have to remember their product. This technique is to maintain the existence of a product because over the year, many successful product companies stop their advertising and it makes the public forgot about their product quickly. Besides, there are other products challenge the leadership position so this technique has to use as long as possible to maintain the products. Example of retentive stage is Coca-Cola product. Coca-Cola has effectively used magazine advertisement for years. Some of Coca-Cola advertisement only shows the bottle of coke and company logo but it reminds the readers of the product and then they buy it.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section provides the theories used to answer the research questions. In this research, the researcher used theories about linguistic features in cigarette advertisement slogans. In order to answer first research question, the researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 used theory from Bovée and Arens, 1986, p. 5 “Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” Hence, in advertising the companies used linguistic features in order to make the advertisement more interesting. This way was effective because by watching, reading, or listening the advertisement the consumers would influence to buy the products through the advertisement which was made. Besides, the researcher used Grey’s theory 2008. His theory had specific description about linguistic features which were used in advertisement and the researcher did not find the theory as complete as Grey’s 2008 theory about linguistic features. Grey 2008 said that linguistics features of advertisement language style divided into two parts. The first part was lexical features and the second part was syntactic features. The lexical features were hyperbole, neologism, weasel word, familiar language, simple vocabulary, repetition, euphemism, humor, glamorization, and potency. While syntactic features consisted of short sentence, long noun phrase, ambiguity, use of imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense, syntactic parallelism, association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. Advertisement is a form of communication used to persuade or attract the audience. It was why the advertisement used linguistic features to attract the consumers. Additionally, linguistic features were needed in cigarette advertisement slogan because it persuaded and attracted the audience to buy the products. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI