The Necessity for Naturalness of Style or to Create the Same Emotive as the Source Text

The example shows that there is new information appears in the target text. The target text ‘ S yo katakan, kalau tidak mau mengalami hal yang lebih parah lagi’ Say it, if you do not want to get the worse thing is truly implied in the source expression and conveyed explicitly in the target expression. In the story, the previous sentences describe that Mr. Goon had shadowed the man in order to get some information related to the rubbing. He found that the old man had a conversation with a mysterious man who is suspected as the member of the burglars. He visited the old man and asked him what the mysterious man said. Mr. Goon is a policeman and he was in investigation. He tried to look for some clues. He pushed the old man in order to get some clues. Besides, in the story, Mr. Goon is described as a fierce policeman. Therefore, there is an implicit information ‘ S yo katakan, kalau tidak mau mengalami hal yang lebih parah lagi’ and it is still appropriate. e. The Requirement for the Target Text Grammar and the Necessity for Correct and Clear Expression of the Source Meaning There are many grammar requirements that become the reasons of explicitation such as the pronoun system, pengulangan kata system, and plural system. The examples are presented bellow. SE : ‘Balloon, young man?’ said she to Pip, in a cracked old voice. TE :‘ T au beli balon, U uan T uda VW kata wanita tua itu dengan serak pada X ip. 129S.37T.54S.DP1,2 At the target expression, the translator translates the word ‘she’ into ‘wanita tua itu’ the old woman. It can be categorized into the scalar explicitation as it is still the development of the source text form and still shares the same explicature. Here, it is a matter of grammar. That is the pronoun system. The Indonesian pronoun system is not marked for gender where the English one has it. Therefore, the translator translates the pronoun in the source expression into another form by substituting it into the different form ‘wanita tua itu’. Further, the correct and clear expression of the source meaning can be achieved. This reason has great quantities in the translation of the novel. It is because the English pronoun system is different with the Indonesian pronoun system. It is not as clear as the English one. For example, the English has she, he, him, and her. The pronouns have explained the gender information. Meanwhile, the Indonesian also has pronouns ‘dia, -nya’. Here, the pronouns just explain that it is the third person. The pronoun ‘dia’ could be female or male. It is different with the English one which has differentiated into ‘she’ and ‘he’. The Indonesian usually uses the nouns directly or bring into another form. SE : The Inspector hesitated.‘Well,’ he said at last, ‘as I said, this is not a thing for children to be mixed up in.’ TE :‘ Y nspectur Jenks ragu-ragu sesaat. ‘Ya,’ katanya kemudian, ‘seperti yang kukatakan tadi, ini bukan urusan yang cocok untuk dicampuri anak-anak.’ 166S.56T.77S.DV1,2 The source expression ‘as I said’ is translated into ‘seperti yang kukatakan tadi’. Here, the translator presents the information ‘tadi’ a while ago explicitly. It is also included as the scalar explicitation because of the development of the source expression’s form the development of the verb. It is a matter of grammar. The English language has the tense system which can present explicitly the time of the event from the aspectual markers of the verbs such as the example above ‘said’. Meanwhile, the Indonesian is not based on the tense system. Therefore, the Indonesian usually expresses the information of the time by encoding the information of the time tadi. SE : ‘…and there are those bumper cars- they’re quite fun for the first two or three times. TE :‘lalu ada pula mobil-mobilan untuk berbentur- benturan. Z syik juga, untuk dua atau tiga kali…’ 038S.9T.17S.DN1,2 The source expression ‘…and there are those bumper cars- they’re quite fun for the first two or three times’ is translated into ‘lalu ada pula mobil-mobilan untuk berbentur-benturan. Asyik juga, untuk dua atau tiga kali…’ It is the scalar explicitation where it comes from the development of the source form. The noun ‘cars’ is translated into ‘mobil-mobilan’. The target expression’s form conveys explicitly about the noun. In Indonesian, there is kata ulang system. According to Keraf 1991 kata ulang consists of many kinds such as kata ulang utuh, kata