Data Sources Primary data Technique of Collecting Data

7 research is the research of which the data in the form of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed. Based on this, the type of this study is descriptive, since the data are not enumerating., but they are written and oral words.

2. Method of Collecting data

a. Data Sources

The writer categories the data in this research into 2 categories those are :

i. Primary data

Primary data are the data directly collected from the research, observed, and noted for the first time Marzuki, 1995. Primary data that the writer used in this research are collected from observing and interviewing some people who have competence about homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observation is done by the writer through observing and collecting homonyms words that are found in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observer interviewed some people who have competence about homonyms, especially the opinions that show the causal factor of homonyms words; so that, the writer can identify the causal factor of how homonyms word exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. 8

b. Technique of Collecting Data

The writer applied some methods in collecting the data. They are Simak Libat Cakap method, observation method, interview method. In this research, the writer uses observation method. The writer observes the object that will be examined Gorrys Keraf, 1980:163. The writer did directly observation to the Wonorejo’s Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang.. The writer uses Simak method in collecting data. Metode simak adalah suatu cara pemerolehan data dengan cara menyimak penggunaan bahasa baik bahasa lisan maupun bahasa tulis Sudaryanto,1993:133-136. Technique to collect data that is used by the writer is sadap technique. Teknik sadap adalah peneliti menyadap penggunaan bahasa seseorang atau beberapa orang yang menjadi informan. Data yang disadap bisa berupa bahasa lisan maupun data bahasa tulis. Penyadapan data lisan bisa diperoleh dari pemakaian bahasa seseorang yang sedang pidato, kotbah, atau anak yang sedang berbicara. Sedangkan sadap bahasa tulis dilakukan terhadap pemakaian bahasa dalam wujud bahasa tulis bukan bahasa tutur lisancakapwicara. Misalnya, naskah teks pidato, teks narasi, naskah kuno, brosur, liflet, atau teks media masa Sudaryanto,1993:133-136. In this research, the writer uses metode simak libat cakap SLC. Simak Libat Cakap adalah peneliti melakukan penyadapan dengan cara menyimak dan terlibat langsung dalam percakapan serta berpartisipasi dalam percakapan yang terjadi di Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang Sudaryanto, 1993:133- 9 136. The writer uses this method to collect the data needed in researching and writing this research. Besides, the writer uses interview method. The method in collecting data is giving question that have connection with this research to get relevant answer with the purpose of the research Anto Dajan, 2000:34. In this case, the writer interviews the writer’s husband as the informant that is also one of Wonorejo’s communities. Because he is a direct object that has all information about homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. On the other hand, the writer interviewed some people or the neighbor of husband families in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang and recorded their daily conversation. The writer uses rekam technique to get a documentation of Wonorejo’s people conversation. Teknik rekam adalah tindak merekam setiap peristiwa kebahasaan dengan media recorder tape recorder, kamera recorder, atau digital recorder. In this case the writer records her husband families conversation. Further the recorder is noted by using catat technique. Teknik catat adalah peneliti menyadap dengan menyimak dan mencatat setiap peristiwa kebahasaan yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu peneliti harus membawa alat catat dan mencatat berbagai hal seperti situasi tutur, penutur, dan mitra tutur, keadaan pertuturan, norma pertuturan dan berbagai hal sekiranya membantu peneliti dalam analisis data khususnya untuk menjawab latar belakangkonteks pertuturan Sudaryanto,1993:133-136. The writer uses catat technique in the transcript formation. Further the transcript is used by the writer as a data in this research. 10 The writer takes some references from books having correlation with this research as theory and standard of comparison in report Gorrys Keraf, 1980:165. In this matter, the observer reads, studies, and takes a note about the content of some books having relationship with this analysis.

c. Method of Analyzing Data