Background of the study



A. Background of the study

Language is one of human characteristics, because there is no human who is living without language. Language is considered to be an exclusively human mode of communication. Whereas, Indonesia is well known of Indonesian language as the national language, and also the traditional languages from each ethnicity. Traditional language has an important role towards the society. Javanese language is acquainted with three language stratification, they are krama inggil, krama madya, and ngoko. Ngoko is the lowest level and it is used when addressing someone of the same status, of the same age, or the lower status, such as close friends, younger persons, and subordinates. Krama madya is the middle level and it is used when addressing a second person who is fairly respected for example for a new acquainted. Krama inggil is the highest level and it is used when addressing a second person or talking about third person who is highly respected, such as teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. Language can be said as a means of communication which is not only in form of written language but also in spoken language. The success of communication process is affected by the meaning of words. Some words have a unique characteristic in meaning; some of them have a meaning with a 2 form of word, while some of them have many forms of words represented one meaning. It is always called as homonyms. Homonyms are several words with the same form. Homonyms is divided into two categories; they are homophone and homograph. Homograph is some words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced differently. Besides, homophone is some words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way. Wonorejo’s Javanese language is very unique and interesting to study and analyze. It is because Wonorejo’s Javanese language has homonyms words that make ambiguous meaning as the effect of homonyms. The homonyms will exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with Javanese dictionaries. Something that makes Wonorejo’s Javanese language is interesting and unique to be analyzed because there are several words with the same shape; it has different usage if it is compared with the Javanese dictionaries. To make it clear, the writer gives an example that is : “Marah” in general, it is used to express bad feeling, but in Wonorejo’s Javanese language “marah” is used to invite someone. So that, it is interesting and unique to be analyzed. Because there is different usage of the same word between Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with Javanese dictionaries. Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang has different meaning if it is compared with another area even for the same political district as Wonorejo. Wonorejo’s Javanese language has homonyms 3 words, because the society always uses the same words to express different purpose. It is always called as homograph. Besides, why homonyms words exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language is also because Wonorejo’s society uses some words which are spelt differently, but pronounced in the same way. It is called as homophone. There are some words having homonymous words in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang, those are : “nylampar, bongko, meni, mbaon, warung keli, kali, kasak, penek, sak, boros, kenteng, cemet, luweh, mberuh, ora esak, lambung, marah, bantah, mbok, katisen, cepak, mboso, leden, mainan, semang, pasar krempyeng, bener, mangkel, eyong, gembeng, brokoan, sementek, antep, bantah, basang, pelita, metoan, tebas, kesliring, merat, jaduman, kerok, nggoto, mendheng, bloboh, surup, gandik, payon, ngrinciki, melek pasian, gambreng, gogoh, tetek, maesan, trenten, enthek, dunak, irik, ngayap, nyendekke, jimpitan, metetah, kecret, gupruk, nyekek, mahal, mremen, mremo, barut, amben, ambeng, mloto, kemplung, musim mareng, ngaron, monyeng, demenan, koak, nimpar, sedetan, dadah, ponyong, puang, ciplis, ciblek, kentis, mboreg, kloyong, kenthip, toklo, keni, rungkut, bentik, setriwel, bongkrek, glandir, cikri, klowor, betem, dipan, sengkrek, cengek, denggel, kemplakaren, anyit, njedodot, oto, cupar, doso, bongkro, membo, dlondong, pongge, bajang, momrot, kedik, lagang, mercak-mercak, mangas, laut, kebo-kebonan, irengan, suker, kondang, kepyak, pitek horen, pacen, ora nggaleboh, kodo, purunan, nyamari, enyah, sangkan paran, kobokan, otah-atuh, dipoteng- poteng, rengket, dioso-oso, blendrek, madal, mbandang, gasik, ogleng, tom- 4 tomen, cetil, matean, mendreng, kuneng, slempitan, akon, manjeng, temonjo, nyepatani, ngatang-atang, cekak, metoto, gandrik, kieng, kayul, jarang, ngasak, tritipen, sayah, karipen, monteng, cuntel, diwelehke, kecis, lengo gas, dideh, putek, jo ngasi, angkringan, lhas-lhes, kemanjon, mbanggel, dileleh, nyluruk, ra ka iki, mbeler, toklek, liwat cangking, yi, larak, nyetatel, anut, diwalek, cengklek, sikep, bongkok, emak, gelorot, mekekelen, amoh ra amoh, medok merok, metotolen, sareh, nglagreng, stereg, kurop, onclang, mekakon, kerentepen, ora pinter, sentet, cubluk, mengangah, mrantasi, parisiseten, ra kendat, metal, kiyel, seluntur, lagang, mbengkuk, din tang- ntang, kreangan, menjuluk, mbregudul. Because too many words have homonyms words as above the writer tries to study and analyze the language that is used by Wonorejo’s societies. The writer compares Javanese language in Wonorejo’s society with Javanese language in Javanese dictionaries as reference. Because of the opinion as above, the writer decides to take Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang as object of research with the title “HOMONYMS IN WONOREJO’S JAVANESE LANGUAGE, WONOREJO, PESANTREN, MIJEN, SEMARANG”. B. Scope of the study Scope of the study in this research are : 1. What are the homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language ? 2. How do they exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language ? 5 3. Why Wonorejo’s Javanese language is different from Javanese language in Javanese dictionaries ?

C. Purpose of the research