Population Sample Population and sample



In this chapter the writer will describe about the method that is used in this research. The writer will explain about type of research, method of collecting data population and sample, method of analyzing data.

A. Type of research

Type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The writer adopts Moleong’s opinion about descriptive qualitative research. Moleong 1988:2 affirms that qualitative research is a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Further Moleong explains that a qualitative research is the research of which the data in the form of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed. Based on this, the type of this study is descriptive, since the data are not enumerating., but they are written and oral words Moleong, 1982.

B. Population and sample

1. Population

Population is the entire group from which the sample is chosen Hadi, 2001:2. Nawawi 1991:141 says that population is all research objects consisting people, animal, things, plants or score test. Based on Koentjaraningrat 1977:115 population is the whole research data. The population of this research are all the homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language which are found in the writer’s family conversation and some of the writer neighbor’s conversation. Total of the 22 homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language are 200 homonyms words. The words are collected on December 12, 2008 and august 28, 2009. The process in collecting data is recording the writer’s family conversation with her neighbor’s. The writer uses rekam technique in recording her family’s conversation with her neighbor’s.

2. Sample

According to Sugiyono the writer adopts the opinion about sample. Sugiyono 1999:73 says that a sample is the part of the population’s member which has special characteristic that connects to the research. It means, a sample is an individual which has special characteristic that connects to the research taken from the population that are composed in generalizing the result of the population. In general there are two ways in collecting the sample namely probability and non-probability sampling. Then probability is classified into random, proportionate random, disproportionate random, and area random; while, non-probability sampling is classified into sistematis, kuota, aksidental, purposive, totaljenuh and snowball sampling. In this research the writer uses purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling adalah suatu penelitian sample yang dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas stratarandomdaerah tertentu tetapi didasarkan pada adanya tujuan tertentu tetapi didasarkan pada adanya tujuan tertentu yang disebabkan adanya pertimbangan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga atau biaya sehingga seorang peneliti tidak dapat mengambil sample yang banyak atau letaknya jauh dari jangkauan Sudaryanto,1993:133-136. 23

C. Method of collecting data