The Analysis of the Strategies in Translating the Second-Person Addresses in the Film “The Pacifier”.

II. The Analysis of the Strategies in Translating the Second-Person Addresses in the Film “The Pacifier”.

This analysis shows that the translator applies more than one strategy in translating second-person address forms from English into Indonesian. The translation strategies of second-person address forms will be explained further in each point below:

A. The Strategies in Translating Second-Person Address Forms in Term of Pronoun you

Translating English second-person pronouns into Indonesian second- person pronouns means that the subtitler uses similar meaning strategy. The form second-person pronoun you is translated into kau, -mu, kalian. There is also one data which is translated into kita and one data which is translated into Indonesian titles or using substitution strategy.

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zero form (Ø) or using deletion strategy. The examples of these strategies can

be seen as follow:

1. English Second Person Address Pronouns translated into Indonesian Second Person Pronouns Example : SL

: You're going away for a few days.


: Kau hanya pergi beberapa hari

(The Pacifier/ 36) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Shane tells Mrs. Plummer that she will just go away for few days because he sees that Mrs. Plummer is still worried about her children.

Here, the participants of the dialogue are Shane and Mrs. Plummer. The subtitler translates the form of pronoun you into kau which is not appropriate with the situation and the relationship between the addresser and the addressee. In this case, Shane is on duty to guard Mrs. Plummer family and it can be considered that Shane has a lower status than Mrs. Plummer. Therefore, the translation you into kau applied by the translator can reduce the formality of the utterance. It would be better if the subtitler translates it into Anda . Then, the translation of the dialogue would be, Anda hanya pergi beberapa hari.

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Translating second person address pronouns into titles means that the subtitler tries to use substitution strategy. In the movie, two forms of second person pronouns you are translated into Ibu. Example : SL

: Just as soon as you provide us with the passwords


: Setelah Ibu berikan kata sandinya.

(The Pacifier/ 76) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which the bank officer finishes checking Mrs. Plummer background and will give her

husband’s saving box. He asks her to provide the password as her husband’s request to the bank. As it can be seen, you which refers to Mrs. Plummer

uttered by the bank officer is translated into Ibu. Here, the subtitler applies substitution strategy, he/she translates the form you into Ibu.

In general, the pronoun you is translated into Anda for formal situation and kau/ kamu in familial situation. However, the subtitler substitutes the meaning of pronoun you into a title form, Ibu to show respect in the formal situation. Therefore, the resulted translation Ibu is appropriate to show a politeness between the addresser and addressee. It can be seen that the second person pronoun is translated variously into Indonesian

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In this section, there are 65 data which are not translated or translated into zero form. It means that the subtitler used deletion strategy in the TL. Below is the example of this classification, Example : SL

: and we are free to give you the box.


: Kami akan berikan kotak ini.

(The Pacifier/ 75) The above example is found in one part of the movie when the bank officer will give the saving box to Mrs. Plummer. As it can be seen, you which refers to Mrs. Plummer uttered by bank officer is not translated by the subtitler. Here, the second person pronoun you is translated into zero form (Ø) in the TL. Therefore, the deletion strategy applied by the subtitler can reduce the formality of the utterance which can be seen as the formal situation in the bank. It would be better if the subtitler translates it into Anda or Ibu. Then the translation of the dialogues would be Kami akan berikan kotak ini kepada Anda / Ibu

Table 4.2 The Situational Aspect of Translation Variations in the Forms of Second-Person Address Pronouns


The Relation of the Participants

Purpose You


Distant, higher status to the lower one Showing power Intimate, equal one to another

Showing intimacy

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Intimate, lower status to higher one

Showing respect in a formal situation

Distant, lower status to higher one

Showing respect to an important person

Distant, host to guest

Giving honor

-mu (from kamu )

Intimate, equal

Showing intimacy

Kalian Intimate, higher status to lower one Giving honor and showing respect


Distant, lower to the higher one, equal one to another

Giving honor and showing respect

Distant, higher to lower one

Showing intimacy, power

B. The Strategies in Translating Second-Person Address Forms in Term of Title Alone

In this classification, there are 16 data of English title. The first analysis shows that English titles consist of English Profession Titles (EPT), English Nickname Titles, and English Hierarchical Titles (EHT). Most of them are translated into Indonesian titles. However, some data are translated into zero form (Ø). The examples of these strategies can be seen as follow:

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Example :

1. SL : Yes, sir! TL : Ya, pak!

(The Pacifier/ 199) The above example is found in one part of the movie when the drama players answer Lt. Wolfe question about his proficiency to be a director in the musical drama. As it can be seen, sir who refers to Shane is uttered by drama player and it is translated into pak. This English titles sir is translated into similar meanings in the target language pak.

2. SL : Lieutenant, thank you so much for saving my life. TL : Letnan, terima kasih untuk menyelamatkan aku.

(The Pacifier/ 14) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Professor Plummer says thank you to Lieutenant Wolfe, after Lieutenant Wolfe saves him from the criminals who want to steal his invention of military technology named G.H.O.S.T. As seen, Lieutenant which refers to Shane Wolfe uttered by Professor Plummer is translated into Letnan. This English profession title Lieutenant is translated into similar meaning in the target language Letnan.

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Example : SL

: No, ma'am


: Tidak.

(The Pacifier/ 39) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which

Lieutenant Wolfe answers Helga’s question if he has been licensed to kill, then Lieutenant Wolfe answers no. He has not been licensed to kill. As it can

be seen, ma’am which refers to Helga uttered by Lieutenant Wolfe is translated into zero form (Ø) or not translated. This deletion strategy applied by the subtitler automatically reduces the formality and the politeness of utterance which is built by the speaker. It would be better if the subtitler translates it into Nyonya or Bu. Then the translation of the dialogues would be Tidak, Bu / Nyonya.

C. The Strategies in Translating Second-Person Address Forms in Term of Kinship.

In this classification, there are 4 data of kinship terms. All of them are translated into Indonesian kinship terms or using similar meaning strategy. Example :

1. SL : Mom, chill. We're gonna be fine.

(The Pacifier/ 35)

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her mother to be calm when her mother looks worried when she has to leave her family. As it can be seen, mom which refers to Mrs. Plummer, her mother uttered by Zoe is translated into Ibu.

2. SL : Good night, Daddy. TL : Selamat tidur, ayah. (The Pacifier/ 235) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Peter says good night to Shane, whom he called as Daddy, after dancing the Panda Dance to make him sleep. As it can be seen, Daddy which refers to Shane uttered by Peter is translated into ayah.

D. The Strategies in Translating Second-Person Address Forms in Term of Other Expressions.

In this classification, there are 67 data of other expressions. They are translated variously using similar meaning strategy, deletion, and transference. The examples of these strategies can be seen as follow:

1. English Expressions Translated into Indonesian Expression Example :

1. SL

: Good night, little fella.


: Selamat tidur, kawan kecil.

(The Pacifier/ 236) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Shane said good night to Peter, whom he called with little fella, after dancing the

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Peter uttered by Shane is translated into kawan kecil. This English expression is translated using similar meaning strategy.

1. English Expressions Translated into Zero Forms (Ø) or Using Deletion Strategy. Example :

1. SL : You’re pretty quick there, frogman. TL : Kau cukup cepat. (The Pacifier/ 123) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Murney praises and also teases Shane when Shane quickly holds Seth who wants to attack him. As it can be seen, Frogman which refers to Shane uttered by Murney is translated into zero forms (not translated).

2. English Expressions Translated Unchanged in the Target Language or Using Transference Strategy Example :

1. SL : Hey, Flipper. You don't like it? TL : Hei Flipper. Kau tidak suka? (The Pacifier/ 40) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Helga tells Shane angrily because Shane asks her about discipline in that house. She feels that she has done her job and asks Shane to help her to take care of the children. As it can be seen, Flipper which refers to Shane uttered by Helga is

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the subtitler makes the translation sound strange and it can make Indonesian people become confused about the exact meaning of Flipper in this context of situation.