Accuracy of the Second-Person Address Translation

A. Accuracy of the Second-Person Address Translation

The questionnaire for accuracy uses scale with the definitions as follows: Table 4.3 Accuracy scale

The meaning of the second-person address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is translated exactly and any rewriting is not needed.

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form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is translated less exactly and some rewritings are needed.

1 Inaccurate

The meaning of the address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is not translated accurately and some rewritings are needed.

The mean of each data shows the accuracy level of the translation. The total average of mean for all data is the result of the quality level of translation. The classifications of quality level are as follows: Classification A : Accurate, covers the data with mean score 2.34 to 3.00 Classification B : Less accurate, covers the data with mean score 1.67 to 2.33 Classification C : Inaccurate, covers the data with mean score 1.00 to 1.66

The classifications of accuracy level will be discussed below:

Table 4.4 Classification of Translation Accuracy


Data Number

Total Percentage

A (accurate)

1, 2, 3*, 3*, 4, 5, 6*, 7*, 8*, 9, 10, 11,

14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,

26, 27, 29*, 29*, 31, 32, 33, 34*, 34*,

35, 37, 38, 40*, 40*, 41*, 42, 44, 45,


71.19 %

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B (less accurate)

C (inaccurate)

*) data have more than one form of address forms

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following part.

1. Classification A

The mean, which has range between 2.34 to 3.0 is included in classification A. It means, classification A consists of the data which are accurate. The definition of accurate here is that the result of second-person address translation is accurate and meaning of the second-person address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is translated exactly and any rewriting is not needed. It is also related to the correctness of the address form which is intended for, due to age, sex, social status, relationship (blood, intimate, or distance), attitude (respectful or arrogant) and feelings between the speaker and the addressee and the situation; formal or informal. Here are some of the data which belong to this classification: Example :

1. SL : Then you’ll dive from there TL : Lalu kalian akan menyelam (The Pacifier/ 2) The example above is found in one part of the movie in which the helicopter pilot and Lieutenant Shane Wolfe give a briefing to the Navy Seal trooper before they start the mission to safe Professor Plummer. As it can be seen, you which refers to the Navy Seal troopers uttered by the pilot is translated into kalian.

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of datum number 2 is 3. It means that second-person address form of the source language was fully conveyed into target language and rewriting was not needed.

2. SL : You’re in my house now, strong man. TL : Kau sekarang di rumahku, orang kuat. (The Pacifier/ 112) The example above is found in one part of the movie in which Murney boasts himself to Shane. Murney feels that he is the owner of the school and people in that school especially the students must obey him. As it can be seen, strong man who refers to Lt. Wolfe is translated into orang kuat.

The example above also shows that the datum is accurate. The mean score of the datum number 112 is 2.67. Rater 1 and 2 gave score 3, while rater

3 gave score 2 for it.

2. Classification B

The data belonged to this classification are those which are less accurate. This classification includes the data which are scored between 1.67 to 2.33. The data below are the example: Example :

1. SL : Yeah, you little punk! TL : Ya, kau anak nakal! (The Pacifier/ 119)

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boys attack Seth in the yard. As it can be seen, little punk which refers to Seth is translated into anak nakal.

The example above shows the less accurate translation. The mean score of datum is 2.33. Rater 2 and 3 gave score 2, while rater 3 gave score 3 for it.

The expression little punk is translated less exactly and some rewritings are needed. Rater 2 suggested that the form little punk is translated into anak ingusan and rater 3 suggested changing it into pemula. Therefore, it would be better if the subtitler translates it into Ya, kau anak ingusan!

2. SL : Okay, duck whisperer, step away TL : Minggir, pelatih bebek! (The Pacifier/287) The example above is found in one part of the movie in which Mr. Chun order Lt. Wolfe to step away from the duck, when he see Lt. Wolfe talk to that duck.

The expression duck whisperer is translated less exactly and needed to rewriting. Here, the researcher suggested to change it into pembisik bebek then the translation would be, Minggir, pembisik bebek!

3. Classification C

This classification covers all the data which are inaccurate. The data which belong to this classification are those data with score 1.00 to 1.66. The reason why the data are included to this classification is that the translation

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text. It is due to the fact that the second-person address form of the source text is not translated at all. Below is the example of data that belong to this classification: Example :

1. SL : No, ma'am TL : Tidak. (The Pacifier/ 39) The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Lieutenant Wolfe answers Helga’s question if he has been licensed to kill, then Lieutenant Wolfe answers no. He has not been licensed to kill. As it can

be seen, Ma’am which refers to Helga uttered by Lieutenant Wolfe is translated into zero form (Ø) or not translated. It would be better if the subtitler translates it into Nyonya or Bu. Then the translation of the dialogues would be Tidak, Bu / Nyonya.

2. SL : Maybe sometime you can pop by the wrestling class TL : Mungkin kadangkala kita bisa masuk ke kelas gulat

(The Pacifier/ 126) The example above is found in one part of the movie in which Murney challenges Shane to come to wrestling class in where he is coaching. As it can

be seen, you which refers to Shane is translated into kita. For the datum above, all raters agreed that the second-person address form of the source language is not accurately translated and needed to be

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translation of the dialogue would be, Mungkin kadangkala kau bisa masuk ke kelas gulat.