Method of Data Collection

C. Method of Data Collection

1. Content Analysis

In this research, the researcher carried out content analysis by:

a. Watched the film ”The Pacifier”, and compared the dialogue script of the movie and its translation.

b. Found out the translation variations of the use of the second-person address forms in the film ”The Pacifier”

c. Determined the strategies applied in translating the dialogue of the movie in the target language.

d. Found out the quality in term of accuracy and acceptability in translating the movie dialogue.

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In this research, the researcher used close format and open ended questionnaire. This questionnaire means that three raters determined the accuracy and acceptability of the translation based on the classification determined by the researcher, and they are given the opportunity to give any reason or information related to each question. The raters had to rate the accuracy and acceptability of the data based on scales determined by the researcher. The scale for accuracy is as follows:

Table 3.1 Accuracy Scale

The meaning of the second-person address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is translated exactly and any rewriting is not needed.

2 Less Accurate

The meaning of the second-person address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is translated less exactly and some rewritings are needed.

1 Inaccurate

The meaning of the address form in the sentence from the source language to the target language is not translated accurately and some rewritings are needed.

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Table 3.2 Acceptability Scale

Scale Acceptability


3 Acceptable

The use of the second- person address form’s translation in the sentences is natural or has

fulfilled the Indonesian society’s cultural values. Whether the second address form is natural or not natural can be known by looking at the

context of situation, addresser, and addressee

2 Less Acceptable The use of the second- person address form’s translation in the sentence is less natural or has less fulfilled the society’s culture and norm values of the TL. It can be known by seeing the context of situation, addresser, and addressee.

1 Unacceptable

The use of the second- person address form’s translation in the sentence is unnatural or has not fulfilled the culture and norm values of the TL. It can be known by seeing the context of situation, addresser, and addressee

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The technique of analyzing data was carried out as follows:

1. The researcher read the English and Indonesian versions of each data and identified them.

2. The researcher collected the data from the movie dialogue and its translation.

3. The researcher compared the second-person address forms in the dialogue to their translation in Indonesia.

4. The researcher classified the data to find out the kinds of translation

variations of second-person address form used in the dialogue.

5. The researcher analyzed the data to find out the kinds of translation strategies applied by the subtitler in the data.

6. The researcher distributed the questionnaire containing the scale of accuracy and acceptability to three raters.

7. The result of the analysis and the result of the questionnaire were used to draw the conclusion.