The Purpose of Research

12. Method of Study

In completing the data, the writer used two kinds of method, library research and field research. In library research, the writer read some books dealing with the study in order to find out the theoretical data that support the study. In the field research, the writer conducted the research for the students at the second grade of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta academic year 20082009. The writer gave a test to the students and asked them to answer the question that she made refers to standard competency and indicator of KTSP 2006. This research uses the correlation method, with the analysis of Product Moment according to Karl Pearson. It is usually used to correlate two variables based on its correlation coefficient value. It is useful to describe and find out the significance of the correlation between those two variables, variable X and variable Y.

13. The Technique of Sample Taking

The population of the study was the second year students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta. There are four classes of each grade with the population of the second year is about 168 students, the classes are 2 nd A, 2 nd B, 2 nd C and 2 nd D. From them, the writer just takes one class as the population and sample of experiment class. There are about 42 students’ as a sample from the class 2 nd B but the writer only took 40 students’ and all of them were tasted as a sample through random sampling system.

14. The Technique of Data Collecting

In completing the data, the next step of this research is collecting the data; the function of data collecting is to determine the result of the research. In collecting data, the writer uses some techniques.

a. Observation

The first is by observing directly to the location where the research is carried out. The purpose is to ask the permission from the head master to do research in that place and to know whether the population and sample is available or not.

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