The Background of Study

mastering vocabulary. When we read something it will sound good if we understand the words or vocabularies in our reading. Vocabulary is one of the problems confronted by English language learners. Because of the limited vocabulary, the learners can not communicate to others clearly. As Norbert said “……vocabulary is one of the most important skills in language”. 2 Good mastery of vocabulary is important to anyone who learns the language used in listening, speaking, reading and writing. A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily or understand what he or she reads and hears if he or she has enough vocabularies and has the capability of using it accurately. According to H. G. Tarigan, “Kualitas keterampilan berbahasa seseorang jelas tergantung pada kuantitas dan kualitas yang dimilikinya maka semakin besar kosakata yang kita miliki maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan kita terampil berbahasa.” 3 The quality of language skill depends on the quantity and quality of vocabulary. The more we have, so become bigger our possibility to use the language. Vocabulary actually has an important role in improving reading skills. The first thing that students should learn is some stock of words, vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive a lot of words. By having and mastering vocabulary we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context. Measuring vocabulary helps to avoid making mistakes in understanding. So, to achieve the success in language teaching learning process especially in English, vocabulary is one of important factors in all language teaching. There are many factors that make the students’ vocabulary low; they came from the internal factors and external one. The internal factors are from the inside of the students them selves such as motivation, interest, intelligence, etc. And the external factors are from the outside of the students that effect their learning process such as economic background, learning materials, teachers’ performance including their teaching methods. Most of us if we find the difficult word, we still just continue our reading in the hope that the word we read is not really important or that it’s meaning will become clear later on. 2 Norbert Schmitt., Vocabulary in Language Teaching New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997 P. 40 3 Hanry Guntur Tarigan., Pengajaran Kosakata Bandung, Angkasa, 1986 P.2 But sometimes the word that we passed usually as the key of our reading and understanding, we cannot catch and grasp the idea from our reading as well as possible. So looking up the difficult words in dictionary is better for us, but the skillful is the reader can understand as he reads. Based on the description of vocabulary and reading above, it shows that they have close relation. To get empirical data about it the writer will organize the test result to prove the influence of student’s achievement in vocabulary and reading. By getting the grades, the writer will try to find an answer that student’s achievement in vocabulary influencing reading.

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

To make the problem clear, it is necessary for the writer to limit the problem. The limitation of the problem as the follows: 1. The subject of the research is the second grade students of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta. 2. The students’ achievement in vocabulary and reading ability will be obtained from the result of test given. Based on the statement above, the formulation of this study is the writer wants to analyze if there is any correlation of students’ achievement in vocabulary and their reading ability.

C. Objective of Study

The objectives of the study as below: a. The writer wants to know how far vocabulary support the students in reading b. The writer wants to know whether students who have a good result in vocabulary test also have a good result in reading.

D. Methodology of Research

In the process of writing this skripsi, the writer uses two ways; library research and field research. In library research, the writer collects the data by searching materials from books that are correlated with the topic. In field research, the writer carries out the observation at MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta and gives some test of vocabulary and reading, and then the test calculated. At the same time the writer will also interview to English teacher of that second year students’. After scoring of such test, the writer will calculate the correlation. Then the writer will have some concerning with the students’ score vocabulary and reading. The writer tries to determine that are there any correlation of students achievement in vocabulary and reading? These scores will use the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

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