Data and Data Source The Subject of the Study

40 needed for the analysis of this thesis. In addition qualitative research is the relevant theories to analysis the data. Also Nawawi 1992: 63 states that the descriptive method can be meant as the procedure to solve the problem which is researched with describes the condition of subjectobject of the research person, organization, society and etc in this time base on the concrete actual facts or the way of things exists. According to Key 1997, descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The researcher uses descriptive analysis technique percentages as the procedure to analyze the data. Descriptive research provides a detailed profile of an event, condition or situation using either quantitative, qualitative or a combination of methods. Data gathering techniques such as field research and case studies are for qualitative descriptive research. Descriptive qualitative is used to make description accurately and systematically. Arikunto 2006 says that quantitative research applies number from collecting the data, describing the data, until the result of the research. Moreover, the result of the research would be better by applying table, graph, draft, picture, etc.

3.2 Data and Data Source

In the effort to find the solution to the problem, the writer needs some data. The required data and information to be obtained are from two main sources, i.e: The source of data of this research is the 30 answers to the questions that the writer gives to the students about pronoun. The sources of data are: Universitas Sumatera Utara 41 1. Primary Data Source The primary data are colle cted from the student‟s error of using Pronouns. This research is conducted at SD N 068003 Medan. 2. Secondary Data Source The secondary data are collected from some books and thesis related with Error Analysis and grammar books.All the book and thesis discussed about eroor analysis and simple pronouns. The writer searches for some reference source books that related to subject matter. The writer tries to search from information and ideas about pronouns from significant authors as fundamental theories, which support the ideas for the thesis.

3.3 The Subject of the Study

Population Population is all of subjects research. Population is a set of all elements processing one or more attribute of interest. The statement confirms that the writer should take the population whose characteristics are closely related to the subject of the research and the writer should take great interest to the object of research. Castilo 2009 states that a research population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of a scientific query. In this study the writer takes the students of SD N 068003 Medan as a population. The sixth grade student of SD N 068003 Medan has 2 classes consist of 65 students. Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 Sample Sample is part of subject research. A chosen sample must really represent the population because the result of the research will be generated toward the entired population. Representative sample will influence the validity to the result. The writer took one class as the sample, they have 32 students but when the data is taken two students didn‟t come so the writer have 30 students as sample from one class. As Arikunto 1996:120 said that if the population is more than 100 subjects, the researcher can take about 10-15 or 20-25 or more out of the popuation. Thus, in this research the researcher takes the whole samples because the number of the population is less than 100. Sampling Sampling is the way of taking sample. In this research the writer uses purposive sampling. Arikunto 1996:183, Purposive sampling is a technique of sampling based on some consideration. Some consideration to take the sample that the researcher used are as follow: a. The subject which taken as the sample in this research should be the sixth grade students. The researcher chooses this qualification because those students had been taught about pronouns before. b. The writer took one class which are taught by one teacher because this factor helps to make sure that the teaching and learning condition are run well. From consideration above, the writer took 30 students from thesixth grade in the class as the sampleof this research. Universitas Sumatera Utara 43

3.4 Data Collecting Technique.