4.1 Data Analysis

The writer gives a multiple choice test to 30 students, which is focused on pronoun as mentioned above. This test consists of 30 items, each of pronoun has certain items; for personal pronoun as subject and object, it has six items. Possessive pronoun has six, possessive adjective has six items, possessive pronoun has four items and reflexive has six items. The writer put the item at random as it can be seen below: Table5. Pronoun Area function and each item No. Pronoun‟s functions Number Items 1 Personal pronoun 1,2,3,4,5,6 2 Possessive pronoun 7,8,9,10,11,12 3 Demonstrative Pronoun 13,14,15,16,17,18 4 Reflexive Pronoun 19,20,21,22,23,24 5 Indefinite Interrogative Pronoun 25,26,27,28,29,30 Universitas Sumatera Utara 50 Table6. Percentage of Respondents Errors This table shows the error percentages of each respondent from the class. No. Name of Students Sum of errors Sum of students Percentage of errors 1. A. F. Br Ginting 19 30 63.33 2. A. Al-M. 22 30 73.33 3. B. R. Tarigan 21 30 70 4. K. Br Tarigan 24 30 80 5. Dv 18 30 60 6. D. Meliala 18 30 60 7. D. N. Sibagarian 18 30 60 8. D. N. Ilmeh 18 30 60 9. Egia 20 30 66.66 10. F. M. Pinem 19 30 63.33 11. F. A. S 22 30 73.33 12. Immanuel 19 30 63.33 13. I. Angela 20 30 66.66 14. J. S. Samosir 21 30 70 15. Josua 17 30 56.66 16. M. A. 23 30 76.66 17. MHD Zagat 21 30 70 18. Michael 21 30 70 19. N. G 17 30 56.66 20. N. A. Ambaran 22 30 73.33 21. O. A. Mindo 18 30 60 22. R. M. A. Damanik 22 30 73.33 23. R. B. 20 30 66.66 24. Ricat 20 30 66.66 25. S. E. Nainggolan 15 30 50 26. S. L. Desviana 15 30 50 27. T. Uli 14 30 46.66 28. V. Hazizah 22 30 73.33 29. Yesika 20 30 66.66 30. Y. Virgiawan 20 30 66.66 Average of error 64 The result of the analysis of the class shows that Adhelia Fuji Leysa Ginting has the percentage of error are 63.33, Arya Al-Maadi are 73.33, Brema Riski Tarigan are 70, Charunisa Tarigan are 80, David are 60, Dewantara Sembiring Milala are 60, Dina Universitas Sumatera Utara 51 Normanza Sibagarian are 60, Doli Noor Ilmeh are 60, Egia are 66.66, Fisiyen Minel Pinem 63.33, Friska Amelia S are 73.33, Immanuel are 63.33, Ivana Angela are 66.66, Johan S. Samosir are 70, Josua are 56.66, Mawarda Asrida are 76.66, MHD Zagat are 70, Michael are 70, Nicholas Ginting are 56.66, Nobi Ariadi Ambaran are 73.33, Ogi Ala Mindo are 60, Rayani Mas Anggita Damanik are 73,33, Rezky Bastanta are 66.66, Ricat are 66.66, Sifra Evelyn Nainggolan are 50, Sonia Lovita Desviana are 50, Theresa Uli are 46.66, Vina Hazizah are 73,33, Yesika are 66.66, and Yudi Virgiawan are 70. Where the average of errors in using pronounare 65,21. The greatest number of errors are in using pronoun made by Charunisa Tarigan and the smallest number of errors are made by Theresa Uli. Table7. Total Errors This table shows the error percentages per item and also the average percentage. Kinds of errors Numb. of items Sum of errors Sum of students Perc. of errors Ave. errors Personal Pronouns 1 2 30 6.66 45 2 17 30 56.66 3 12 30 40 4 23 30 76.66 5 23 30 76.66 6 4 30 13.33 Total of error 81 Possessive Pronouns 7 12 30 23.33 62.77 8 17 30 56.66 9 22 30 73.33 10 25 30 83.33 11 22 30 73.33 12 20 30 66.66 Total of error 118 Reflexive Pronouns 13 20 30 66.66 76.11 14 15 30 50 15 22 30 73.33 16 27 30 90 17 28 30 93 Universitas Sumatera Utara 52 18 24 30 80 Total of error 137 Demonstrative Pronouns 19 10 30 33.33 66.66 20 26 30 86.66 21 19 30 63.33 22 17 30 56.66 23 21 30 70 24 27 30 90 Total of error 120 Interrogative Indefinite 25 23 30 76.66 69.44 26 14 30 46.66 27 25 30 83.33 28 18 30 60 29 23 30 76.66 30 22 30 73.33 Total of error 125 AVERAGE 64 The writer explains the total error percentages of the class. This total error percentage is acquired from the errors of 30 students that are counted in one table. The writer also counts the error average. From the data presentation above, the writier explains that the result of the analysis of all students shows that the average of the errors made by students are 64. Where the average of errors in using personal pronoun are 45, possesive pronounare 62.77, and reflexive pronounare 76.11, demonstrative pronoun are 66.66 and Interogative and indifinite pronoun are 69.44. The greatest number of errors are in using reflexive pronounand the smallest number of errors are in using personal pronoun. Universitas Sumatera Utara 53