Data Collecting Technique. METHOD OF RESEARCH


3.4 Data Collecting Technique.

The technique of collecting data is one important aspects of research. There are some technique of collecting data. In this research, the writer take questionnaires to get some information related with the research and a test about Pronouns to collect the data. The writer needs instruments to find the students errors in using Pronouns. An instrument plays an important role to collect data. Suharsimi Aikunto 1996:135 states that an instrument is a mean, which plays an important role to collect data in a research. To collect the data for this research, the researcher used a cloze test as the instruments by giving the students some items of cloze test filling the blank. According to Arifuddin 2007:59, in a cloze test systematic of the deletion word of the text is needed. Thus, in this research, the researcher deleted the word in interval . The cloze test consisted of 30 items and were divided into five parts, they were 6 items in personal pronoun start from number 1 until number 6, 6 items in possessive pronoun tart fro number 7 until number 12, 6 items in reflexive pronoun start from number 13 until number 18, 6 items in demonstrative pronoun start from number 19 until number 24, and 6 items indefinite pronoun start from number 25 until number 30. The number of items were put randomly. It was used to get the data that would be analyzed, that is all about wheter they give correct answers or not and what aspect of personal pronoun were difficult for the students. In this test, the researcher took all of the population, that is 30 students as the sample of this research. Universitas Sumatera Utara 44 1. Preparation of Test a. Test items. The writer classified the possible errors in using pronouns in to 30 questions and into five categories: 1. Errors in the use of personal pronoun. 2. Errors in the use of possessive pronoun. 3. Errors in the use of reflexive pronoun. 4. Errors in the use of demonstrative pronoun. 5. Errors in the use of interrogative indifinite pronoun. The students did the test in 30 minutes and after that they collect it to the researcher but before the test start, the writer give a paper of quistionaire which is consist of ninth questions to fulfill by the student related to the condition of the school, the teacher, and the teaching-learning proccess in the school. b. Arrangements of The Test Items. After classifying the errors into those categories, the writer arranges the test items into the following: 1. Test on the use of Personal Pronoun, number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 2. Test on the use of Possesive Pronoun, number 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12. 3. Test on the use of Reflexive Pronoun, number 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Universitas Sumatera Utara 45 4. Test on the use of Demonstrative Pronoun, number 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 5. Test on the use of Indifinite Pronoun, number 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 3.5 Technique of Data Analysis To analyze the students‟ error in using pronoun, the writer uses both quantitative statistical and qualitative descriptive analysis non-statistical qualitative analysis. 1. Statistical analysis The writer gives the test to the students and from this test, there will be data collection. When the data are collected, they are classified into five groups: outstanding, very good, satisfactory, very week and fail . To know the student‟s error, the writer will group the wrong answer they made. From that five data, the writer will analyze, and there will be data analysis to come to conclusion. 2. Non-statistical qualitative analysis In the non statistical analysis, the writer classifies the student‟s achievement using factor analysis by the use of five lattes: A, B, C, D, E, which expressed various level of achievement. In addition, it was relatively easy to translate from letter grading to percentage grading wilmar Tinambunan 1998:129. Universitas Sumatera Utara 46 The data from this descriptive method that the researcher co llected from students‟ test are analyzed as follows: a. Ident ification of Students‟ Correct Answers and the scoring. The students‟ answers are identified and the correct answer scoring was formulated as follows: Total score = correct answer x 100 100 Mean score = total score N Score for each function = correct answer x 6 6 The percentage is formulated as followsbased on Sudijono 1991:41: F P= X 100 N P = Percentage F = Frequency N = Number of sample Universitas Sumatera Utara 47 Σ� M= � Where: M = the average of the score percentage Σ X = the number of score percentage N = the number of cases b. Description of the students‟ scores In this step, the researcher described the students‟ scores into some categories. According to grading system in SD N 068003grading system can be categorized into very good, good, fair, low and very low and also by grade system based on Wilmar Tinambunan grading system can be categorized in to A, B, C, D, or E. In this research, the number of questions is 30questions ; the students‟ scores were categorized as follows: Students‟ score for the whole functions of pronouns: Table2. Students‟ score range in SD N 0608003 Categories Score Very good 81-100 Good 61-80 Fair 41-60 Low 21-40 Very low 1-20 Universitas Sumatera Utara 48 Table3. Student Percentage of achievement adopted from: Wilmar Tinambunan 1998 : 36129 Table4. Stude nts‟ score range of each section Categories Score Very good 6 Good 4-5 Fair 3 Low 2 Very low 1 c. Draw the conclusion about students‟ error in using pronouns with descriptive analysis

3.6 Time and Location