Background to the Study

science development, and negative phenomenon. Tyler 1949 suggest that a rational curriculum is develop by first identifying goals and objectives, then listing, organizing and grading the learning experiences, and finally, finding means for determining whether the goals and objectives have been achieved. The latest issues currently heating the climate of education in Indonesia was the declaration of the implementation of Curriculum 2013 which is known as Scientific Approach, K13 for both primary and secondary educations. The curriculum is the eighth curriculum that has ever been implemented in Indonesia. Before Curriculum 2013, Indonesia implemented the 1954, 1964 with revision in 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994 with revision in 1999 curriculum, Curriculum Based Competence CBC in 2004, KTSP. It seems that the changes of curriculum in Indonesia happen every ten years. It shows that the changes of curriculum are simply due to the change of the Minister of Education in the cabinet. This opinion is, of course, not absolutely right. There must be rationale behind this. The changing of the previous curriculum KTSP into Curriculum 2013 also has some reason. Curriculum 2013 is a curriculum base on competence. Curriculum base on competence is outcomes based curriculum that focused on student competence achievement that constructed in SKL. However, curriculum 2013 is different in Standard content. There are no significant changes in curriculum 2013, just in the school and teacher administrative. Curriculum 2013 is developed to improve and balance soft skill and hard skill of the learners, such as affective skill, skill, and knowledge. At the first, Many teachers are still confuse in implementing the curriculum of KTSP and it is too many instruments that the teachers do to complete the teacher administrative, but recently, teachers almost enjoy the KTSP Curriculum, governments change it into curriculum 2013. Teachers and school have to adapt with new concept of curriculum. In academic year of 20132014, curriculum 2013 has been trying out in some school as a pilot project. It indicates that this curriculum is not ready yet to replace KTSP Curriculum In 2013 curriculum, curriculum is begun by determined graduate competence standard base on the students’ preparation, education goals, and public demand. In curriculum 2013, graduated competence include affective competence, skill, and knowledge. There are some methods in learning process. These methods are scientific approach, learning models, authentic assessment, and book analysis. These methods are different with the KTSP, especially in teacher, and school instrument. We have more specific in teaching and evaluate the student outcome.

C. Limitation of the Problem

As the issues on the implementation of Curriculum 2013 are very broad, the researcher limit the study into the implementation of evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013. The object of the study is tec aher’s methods in implementing evaluation based on Curriculum 2013. As teachers are the main actors in the curriculum implementation, it is necessary to explore their methods in implementing the evaluation. This study deals with implementing evaluation on English subject based on Curriculum 2013 since English has very important role and position in the era of globalization. Furthermore, English teaching is an interesting process to be observed as the teachers use Curriculum 2013. Therefore the discussion of this research focuses on the English evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013 of Junior High School SMP level at SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI.

D. Formulation of the Problem

By virtue of the limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the problems as follow: 1. What are English teachers’ understanding of the evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013 at SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI?