Identification of the Problem

C. Limitation of the Problem

As the issues on the implementation of Curriculum 2013 are very broad, the researcher limit the study into the implementation of evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013. The object of the study is tec aher’s methods in implementing evaluation based on Curriculum 2013. As teachers are the main actors in the curriculum implementation, it is necessary to explore their methods in implementing the evaluation. This study deals with implementing evaluation on English subject based on Curriculum 2013 since English has very important role and position in the era of globalization. Furthermore, English teaching is an interesting process to be observed as the teachers use Curriculum 2013. Therefore the discussion of this research focuses on the English evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013 of Junior High School SMP level at SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI.

D. Formulation of the Problem

By virtue of the limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the problems as follow: 1. What are English teachers’ understanding of the evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013 at SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI? 2. How far do the English teachers really apply the evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013?

E. Objectives of the Study

Corresponding to the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this study are: 1. To obtain a description of the English teacher’ understanding of evaluation system in Curriculum 2013 context, and 2. To find out how far the English teachers are really apply the evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013.

F. Significance of The Study

This study is expectantly hoped to give a valuable contribution to the following parties: 1. English teachers in SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI The result of the study can be used as feedback about the evaluation system they have been done. 2. Students in SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum and SMP N 2 WEDI The result of the study can be used as consideration in preparing the examination because they know what aspects will be assessed. 3. Schools The result of the study can be used as a reference to plan and to develop the programs that are suitable for the English teaching and learning objectives. 4. Curriculum developers The result of the study can be used as an evaluation object about their policy and also an input to plan the next program. 5. Other researchers The result of the study can be used as one of the references concerning the evaluation system based on Curriculum 2013. 9


This chapter is to review the related theories and studies upon which the analytical construct has been built. The discussion of this chapter is divided into three parts, i.e. Theoretical Review, Conceptual Framework and Analytical Construct. A. Theoretical Review 1. English as a foreign Language a. Definition of Foreign Language In the real world language plays an important role in students’ intellectual, social and, emotional development. Language as a means communication takes a part in almost every human life. It also becomes important key students’ success in learning other sciences. It is used to help the students to recognize themselves, their culture, and express their experience, ideas, and feelings. Recently, the knowledge of foreign language is regarded to be essential needs. English as a foreign language is that English is not used as an official language or colloquial language in c ountries. “ A foreign language doesn’t have immediate social and communicative functions” Oxford, 1990: 6. However, it may still have a significant role to play. It may be an important subject and it may be necessary to pass an exam in