Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHOD

more autonomy of teach from teachers. From the observation, it is found that all the English teacher of SMP N 2 WEDI and SMP PGRI 18 Kebonarum have attended workshop on Curriculum 2013. However, only the teachers who are teaching classes based on Curriculum 2013 are more active in attending training. The teachers’ understanding of the evaluation system based on curriculum 2013 at SMP N 2 WEDI and SMP PGRI 18 kebonarum varies. However, all of them receiving assistance and training of Curriculum 2013. They got different point of view the general understanding of Curriculum 2013. It is supported by statement: P : Oh nggih… Secara garis besar kurikulum 2013 itu menurut ibuk apa? Right, generally, how do you think about Curriculum 2013? R1 : Itukan kurikulum baru, kurikulum 2013, menurut saya penyempurnaan dari KBK kemarin, ehm… yg kemarin kan KTSP ya, tapi kalau ini lebih cenderung ke praktik banyak- banyak praktik, banyak- banyak tugas sedangkan yang kemarin teori. Kalau ini anak- anak harus bisa menemukan sendiri, memunculkan ide sendiri seperti itu. This is new curriculum, curriculum 2013, I think that it is the developing of KBK curriculum. The last curriculum is KTSP, isn’t it? But this curriculum gives more practices, more assignments, in KTSP, we learn theoretically. In Curriculum 2103, students must be able to find, and create their own ideas. R2 : Kurikulum 2013 adalah perubahan mindset atau pola pikir. Perbedaan antara kurikulum 2006 dengan kurikulum 2013 bedanya kalau 2006 itu murid diberi tahu, kurikulum 2013 anak mencari tahu. Curriculum 2013 is the changing of student mindset. The different between curriculum 2013 and KTSP is that a KTSP student was told the materials, but in curriculum 2013, student must find out the materials by themselves. Furthermore, the teachers are responsible to assess students’ performance in teaching and learning process. To be assessors the teacher should understand the evaluation of the new curriculum 2013. The assessment covers three aspects: attitude, Knowledge and skill assessments. P : Bisa gak ibu menjelaskan tentang evaluasi atau penilaian dalam kurikulum 2013? Can you tell me about the assessment in curriculum 2013? R : Kalau kurikulum 2013 itu lebih rinci ada nilai pengetahuan ada nilai ketrampilan dan sikap. Kalau penilaian pengetahuanya biasanya kalau anak- anak itu nanti dari ulangan itu kalau nilai ketrampilanya bisa diambilkan dari tugas dan apa apa biasanya yaa tugas itu ada tugas praktik dan ada tugas tertulis. Assessment in curriculum 2013 is more detail than KTSP; there are attitude assessment, knowledge assessment, and skill assessment. Knowledge assessment is usually from daily exam, or final exam, and skill assessment is usually from practice something, such as report, project. In line with the statement above, the English teacher could be differentiating the previous curriculum with the new one in order they can applied the new curriculum appropriately. P : Terus menurut ibuk bagaimana penilaian di kurikulum 2013?