Playing with the Cell Phone

46 The third student teacher also found this behaviour in her teaching practices. She found that some students sometimes were lazy and were not interested to follow the learning process. This could be seen from their behaviours such as paying no attention, not listening to the teacher‟s explanation, talking with other students, or even sleeping during the class. The researcher also found these behaviours; some students were found sleeping during the class in Automotive and Marketing classes. In spite of this behaviour, the student teacher reflected that there was a reason why student slept during the class. Mungkin kadang anak-anak bosen. Lalu menjadi refleksi juga apakah caranya mengajar tidak menarik sehingga mereka sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri? pat. 3 Sometimes, the students might be bored. This becomes my reflection. Is my way of teaching not interesting so that they are busy with themselves? This reflection made the student teacher be aware that there was always a reason which made the students slept during the class. This awareness made the student teacher be more creative to find more interesting teaching style so that the students will be more interested to follow the class. Besides the disruptive behaviours suggested by Ormrod 2011, Browne 2012, and Kuhlenschmidt and Layne 1999, there were three more disruptive behaviours found in this study. Those behaviours involved the students were passive, the students cheated, and students avoided to work in a group.

g. Being Passive or Not Responsive

The other disruptive behaviour is the students were passive during the classroom activities. 47 Cuman mereka memang gak mau bertanya kalo ada mereka menemukan kesulitan. Untuk beberapa anak, yang kalo dideketin per individu mereka baru mau nanya sus. Jadi kalo di dalam kelas, “ada kesusahan tidak?‟ Mereka diam. part. 1. Interview data They did not want to ask when they found the difficulty. For some students, when they were approached personally they would ask. So, when I asked them „is there any difficulty?‟, they were silent Tapi mungkin entah karena faktor apa mereka pemahaman mereka itu kurang. Istilahnya pemahaman mereka itu kurang dan mereka tidak mau bertanya part. 2. Interview data However, it is not clear what factor that made their understanding is low. Their level of understanding is low, but they did not want to ask The first student teacher said that when the students found a difficulty in understanding the materials, they kept silent. They would only ask a question when the student teacher approached them personally. The students were not confident to ask. The second student teacher also found the same behaviour. Some students were slow in understanding the materials, but they were not confident to ask. From these two data, it could be seen that some students were passive during the classroom activities. The researcher found this behaviour in Marketing class. There was a student who was very passive during the class. He sat at the back alone. He was silent when there was a question. Furthermore, when there was a group discussion, he just listened to his friends in the group.

h. Cheating or Copying Friend’s Work

The researcher included cheating or copying friend‟s work as the disruptive behaviour because cheating does not help the student understand the material well. The classroom observation and the interview with the second student teacher showed this finding.