The role of learner

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS In this chapter, there are three sections presented. First, conclusions of the research findings drawn in the previous chapter are provided. Second, implications for the learners and the teachers are elaborated. Third, recommendation about promoting autonomous learning is also made concerning learner s‟ beliefs.

A. Conclusions

Studies in the area of learner beliefs have shown that learners have a variety of beliefs about language and language learning and that these may influence learning attitudes and behavior. It has also been hypothesized that certain beliefs may be disabling Horwitz, 1988. According to Gardner Miller 2002, learners bring their own beliefs, goals, attitudes and decisions to learning and these influence how they approach their learning. The results suggest that learners are aware of their language learning as their own responsibility. Most of the learners realize they themselves play crucial roles in language learning, and greater responsibility should be laid on their shoulders in language learning; however, they need help and advice from the teachers. Besides, learner s‟ response can also show their views of the teacher‟s various roles in the classroom. The teacher is seen as the helper, guideadviser, consultant and facilitator. And the teacher also loses his or her authority in planning the learning process and evaluating the learner s‟ achievements from the learner s‟ perspective. The learners have a strong desire for a positive and dynamic involvement in the language learning process. Therefore, their beliefs about learner autonomy may vary from one to another. The beliefs that learners hold about language learning may have a significant impact on their learning outcomes. That is, learners‟ beliefs, as a part of metacognitive knowledge, exert either positive or negative effects on learning process. Learners‟ intuitive beliefs about language learning process, their own abilities and the use of effective learning strategies will facilitate their learning and assist them to develop a more active and autonomous attitude which allows them to take charge of their own learning. However, mistaken or uninformed beliefs about language learning may lead to dependence on less effective strategies, resulting in indifference towards learning, poor cognitive performance, classroom anxiety and a negative attitude towards autonomy. The world of education is shifting rapidly from the authority to democracy. Many of the current theories of teaching and learning also put emphasis on the learner centered activities. The objective of teaching and learning should be the learner autonomy. The statement from Scharle and Szabö 2000 : “you can bring the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink”, can describe why autonomous learning is vital. In language teaching, teachers may be able to provide all the necessary circumstances and input. But they should realized that the fact that learner being autonomous, teacher roles may never be hindered and