Data Gathering Instruments Learners` beliefs about autonomy in language learning

opinions in relation with their language learning. The respondent came from some study programs. According to the pre-test that held by ILLC before the course, these group were at beginner level of English proficiency. There were only 100 respondents that consist of 42 male learners and 58 female learners could be covered to be the samples of research subject since there were only 4 classes that consist of 25 learners available in the course during one semester in ILLC.

E. Data Gathering Techniques

This research was aimed to reveal a description of the learners beliefs about autonomous learning. This section will show the steps of data collection. The form of inquiry employed one instrument which is Questionnaire. The researcher visited ILLC and distribute the questionnaire to ILLC users to complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to the learners to collect quantitative data. The tools needed to fill the questionnaire was a pen. The researcher distribute the pen to all respondents. The researcher prepared the tools being based on the ideas of the researchers like Zhang and Li 2004, Lamb and Reinders 2008, and others.

F. Data Analysis

First, with regard to the questionnaire data, the learners responses to the Likert-scale items were collated, tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results were presented in percentages. As was the case PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI in previous studies using these instruments Horwitz 1988, Kern 1995, Kuntz 1996, for the purposes of reporting the results the scales were collapsed to five categories; with „Never‟, „Rarely‟, „Sometimes‟, „often‟ and „always‟. Learners were assured that their names would be kept anonymous in order to express their true ideas and attitudes about language learning. The learners finished the questionnaires in about fifteen minutes and the questionnaires were collected immediately. After that the data were transferred to excel and then analyzed based on the percentage and mean x with the help of the Statistical Package and Service Solution SPSS for Windows version 21.0.

G. Trustworthiness of Research Findings

This research is a replication research of the previous research conducted by Yingshuang Liu in 2011 with the same theme. However, reliability in research, refers to the degree of trustworthiness of the instrument, which later results on the reliability of the findings of the research. Cohen,et al 2004 claim that reliability is the synonym for consistency and replicability: over time, over instruments and over groups of respondents. In order to ensure that the findings of this study accurately reflected learners beliefs and were supported by evidence. With respect to the validity and reliability of the questionnaire study, internal consistency can be estimated with Cronbach‟s alpha. Therefore, Cronbach‟s alpha coefficient was employed, from the result it showed the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Cronb ach‟s alpha of 0.767. Compared with r-table for level of significant 5 which is 0.195 and for level of significant 1 which is 0.256, it can be concluded that the questionnaire result is reliable. All the data are collected and analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS.