Errors caused by differences in expressive meaning

[2] ST : The owner of the bar approached him, and the boy pointed to a drink that had been served in the next table. TT : Pemilik kedai mendekati dia, dan si bocah menunjuk minuman yang disajikan di meja sebelah. [1] ST Version TT Version Suggested Version The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to her question. Si bocah menjawab dengan menggumam- gumam tak jelas supaya dia bisa mengelak untuk menjawab pertanyaan gadis itu. Pemuda itu menggumam- kan jawaban yang me- mungkinkannya untuk me- ngelak dari pertanyaan gadis itu. Table 4: Suggested translation for case [1]: Errors caused by differences in physical or interpersonal perspective

2. Errors caused by differences in expressive meaning

Baker 1997 stated that there may be a target-language word which has the same prepositional meaning as the source-language word, but it may have a different expressive meaning p. 23. In relation to her statement, the researcher would like to provide the following example in order to explain the second case. Figure 11: An example of errors caused by differences in expressive meaning According to Nida in Basil and Munday 2004, there are two categories of meaning namely referential meaning, which deals with the words as signs or symbols, and connotative meaning, which refers to the emotional reaction engendered in the reader by a word. Furthermore, Nida explained that the key problem for the translator is the frequent lack of one-to-one matching across languages since signifier changes across languages and each language depicts reality differently p. 35. In the researcher’s opinion, the case above seemed to have a similar problem. Here, the translator seemed to be incapable of finding the appropriate one-to-one match from the source text English into the target text Bahasa Indonesia. The source text had a specific meaning … that had been served in the next table while the target text had a neutral meaning … yang disajikan di meja sebelah. As a result, the reader would not be able to grasp the real meaning of the action whereas there had been a quite different meaning within the sentence. There might be a single possibility that causes the error: the translator was unable to find the appropriate one-to-one match for the type of tenses. The author used past perfect, which indicates that something that happened before something else in the past, in the sentence. In order to adjust the source language into the target language, the researcher would like to rearrange the structure of bahasa Indonesia as the target language. The researcher would like to use the word yang as the marker of anak kalimat keterangan pewatas twice in order to make clear the expressive meaning contained in the source language. For the first place, the researcher would like to put the word yang after the word minuman; this placement would explain the word minuman not all types of minuman, but only a certain type of minuman. For the second place, the researcher would like to put the word yang after the word pengunjung in the same anak kalimat keterangan pewatas; this placement would explain the word pengunjung not all types of pengunjung, but only a certain type of pengunjung. As a result, the expressive meaning contained in the source language shall be delivered in the target language. The result of rearrangement was shown in the following table: [3] ST : Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port. TT : Melchizedek mengamati sebuah kapal kecil yang sedang menjajaki jalan keluar pelabuhan. [2] ST Version TT Version Suggested Version The owner of the bar approached him, and the boy pointed to a drink that had been served in the next table. Pemilik kedai mendekati dia, dan si bocah menunjuk minuman yang disajikan di meja sebelah. Pemilik kedai meng- hampirinya dan ia pun menunjuk minuman yang disajikan kepada pe- ngunjung yang duduk di sebelahnya. Table 5: Suggested translation for case [2]: Errors caused by differences in expressive meaning

3. Errors caused by differences in form