23 3. Where the reader deliberately extrapolates one level of the work for a specific purpose. 4. Where the reader discovers elements not basic to the genesis of the text and uses the text for his own purpose. For the purpose of translation, position 2 will be an ideal starting point and position 3 and position 4 might be tenable in certain circumstances. Position 1, unfortunately, will be completely inadequate even though many translators have focused on the content matter at the expense of the text’s formal structure.

B. Theoretical Framework

After dealing with the theoretical description, now the researcher will be dealing with the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework is highly important for the research because the framework will guide the readers into the research effort done by the researcher. In addition, the framework will ease the readers to follow the research process step by step. The detail of the framework will be provided in the following section. All of the theories being outlined above will be implemented in the research. The researcher will use the first theory to find all of the available relative clauses in the research objects, namely The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and the translation Sang Alkemis. After finding all of the available relative clauses, the researcher would specify the findings into relative clauses with relativizer that due to the fact that relative clause with relativizer that is the focus of the research. Then, the researcher will use the second theory to figure how the translator has translated the relative PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 clauses with relativizer that from English into Bahasa Indonesia. Next, the researcher will use the third theory to analyze the problems of translating the relative clauses with relativizer that that the translator might encounter from English into Bahasa Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


In this chapter, the researcher will present the research method, research instrument, research objects, data gathering, data analysis and research procedures. The first section is research method, explaining about the method that the researcher employ. The second section is research objects, explaining about the objects of the research. The third section is instrument and data gathering technique, explaining about the instrument that the researcher use and the technique that the researcher employ in gathering the research data. The fourth section is data analysis technique, explaining about the technique that the researcher employs in analyzing the research data. The fifth section is research procedures, explaining about the procedures that the researcher take in conducting the research.

A. Research Method

The research method that the researcher opts is the qualitative one. Jacob states that qualitative research is the research that attempted to present the data from the perspective of the subjects or the observed groups, so that the cultural and intellectual biases of the researcher did not distort the collection, the interpretation or the presentation of the data as cited in Seliger and Shohamy, 1981, p.118. In conducting the research, the researcher chooses the document analysis method. The researcher views that this method is the most suitable for the