Description of Research Result 1. Overview of Research Place



A. Description of Research Result 1. Overview of Research Place

SMK Negeri 1 Bantul is a vocational school located at Jalan Parangtritis km 11 Sabdodadi Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55715, Phone 0274 367156. This school has five programs, namely Computer Engineering and Networks, Multi Media, Accounting, Office Administration, and Marketing.

2. Research Result

This classroom action research was conducted collaboratively between researcher and teacher, assisted by the observers. Teacher has a role in managing learning activity, while the researcher and observer have the role in observing the learning activities. This research was conducted in two cycles, namely first cycle and second cycle.

a. Research Result of Cycle I

1 Planning a Prepare a learning material related to the basic competencies that will be achieved by implementing the cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together NHT. b Prepare a Lesson Plan RPP. c Prepare the questions of groups test with the key answers and make the groups discussion where each group consists of 4-5 students. d Prepare a research instrument such as observation guidelines and field notes that will be used for observation during the process of cooperative learning type NHT. e Prepare a learning activity questionnaire that will be given to students at the end of the lesson. 2 Action This stage was the implementation of cooperative learning models type Numbered Heads Together NHT in accounting learning. Learning was held on 9 March 2015 in 2 hours of learning which each hours consisted of 45 minutes. This stage was carried out based on the planning stage that has been prepared before. The things done in the implementation of the action in the first cycle are: a Introduction At the beginning of the activities, the teacher opened the lesson with a greeting, say a prayer, and check the readiness and attendance of students. In the first cycle, there was one student who was absent due to illness. Then, the teacher explained about the cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together NHT that will be used during the implementation of learning process today. b Main Activities At the main activities, the teacher divided the students into 8 groups where in the three groups consisted of 4 students and in the other 1 group consisted of 5 students, each groups member is given a number which is different each other.Then, the teacher give them some questions which is in accordance with what number that they got. After that, the students have to think together in group to describe and make sure that everyone in their group knows the answer. Finally, the teacher pointed one number, then the students from each group who have the same number raised their hands up and gave their answers to the entire class. c Closing Teachers asked the students to go back to their initial seat. Then, the students have to fill out a questionnaire to determine their learning activity score based on their recognition. Then, the teacher and the students made a reflection of their learning activities that have been conducted, concluded the material, and closed the learning with say a prayer and closing greetings. 3 Observation The observations were conducted by the researcher with the assistance of three observers. These observations emphasize on the students accounting learning activity using observation guidelines prepared by the researcher. From the observation of learning activity that have been done, the following data were obtained: Table 5. Data of Learning Activity on Cycle I No Indicator of Learning Activity Percentage 1 Reading the accounting learning material 72,73 2 Take a note of accounting learning material 74,24 3 Do the exercises provided by the teacher 80,30 4 Do the group discussions 71,21 5 Answer questions from teachers and friends in the discussion session 71,96 6 Respond to other students opinions 70,45 7 Do the quiz provided by the teacher independently 76,56 Average Score 73,92 Source: Primary Data Processed Based on the data above, it can be seen that 5 of the 7 indicators of learning activity has not reached the successful action criteria. Moreover, in the overall achievement, the average score of learning activity indicator is in the number of 73,92 or still less than 75. 4 Reflection In cycle I, the stage of reflection is done by examining the results of observations made by researchers of the issue at hand. Based on the observations made, students looked enthusiastically following by implementation of learning models Numbered Heads Together NHT because usually the teacher always used lecturing method on which the students get bored quickly. However, the implementation of cooperative learning model of type Numbered Heads Together NHT in cycle I havent conducted optimally. Even though some of the learning activities indicator have achieved success criteria, in the cycle I, the students were still passive in asking questions and responding to or discussing the learning materials. Cooperative learning model and learning type Numbered Heads Together NHT is a new learning model for the students, so a number of students still feel confused.

b. Research Result of the Cycle II

1 Planning After did some reflection in the first cycle, the researcher and teacher agreed to take a corrective action on the second cycle. The learning plan for the second cycle is not much different from the first cycle, which prepares Lesson Plan RPP, questions of groups task, observation guidelines, field notes, and questionnaires. 2 Action Learning was held on 10 March 2015 in 2hours of learning where each hours consisted of 45 minutes. This stage is carried out based on the planning stage that has been prepared before and the reflection result of cycle I. The things done in the implementation of the action in the cycle II are: a Introduction At the beginning of the activities, the teacher opened the lesson with a greeting, say a prayer, and check the readiness and attendance of students. Then, the teacher re- explainedabout the cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together NHT that will be used during the implementation of learning process today. b Main Activities At the main activities, the teacher divided the students into 8 groups in the same division of the cycle I. Then each group was given a task that have to be done according to their own number. Teacher provided instruction to students to held a discussion in did these tasks. During the discussions and doing the task, the teacher walking around from one group to another to check students understanding, provide direction, and to provide assistance to groups who have difficulties. Finally, the teacher pointed one number, then the students from each group who have the same number raised their hands up and gave their answers to the entire class and the other groups have to give their respond. Furthermore, teachers discussed the group task and gave the correct answer if there where still wrong answer. c Closing Teachers asked the students to go back to their initial seat. Then, the students have to fill out a questionnaire to determine their learning activity score based on their recognition. Then, the teacher and the students made a reflection of their learning activities that have been conducted, concluded the material, and closed the learning with saying prayer and closing greetings. 3 Observation From the observation result that have been conducted by researcher and observers on the second cycle using observation guidelines, the following data were obtained: Table 6. Data of Learning Activity on Cycle II No Indicator of Learning Activity Percentage 1 Reading the accounting learning material 81,81 2 Take a note of accounting learning material 86,36 3 Do the exercises provided by the teacher 83,33 4 Do the group discussions 88,64 5 Answer questions from teachers and friends in the discussion session 81,06 6 Respond to other students opinions 84,85 7 Do the quiz provided by the teacher independently 93,18 Average 85,60 Source: Primary Data Processed Based on the data above, it can be seen that all of the indicators of learning activity has reached the successful action criteria or have a score more than 75. Moreover, in the overall achievement, the average score of learning activity indicator also has reached the successful action criteria in the number of 85,60. 4 Reflection The reflection stage was conducted to evaluate the implementation of cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together NHT that has been done before. Based on the observations that have been conducted, the results of the second cycle showed an increase in the indicator of accounting learning activities where the seven indicators of students accounting learning activity has achieved the successful action criteria at the number of 85,60. Therefore, the implementation of cooperative learning model type Numbered Heads Together NHT is considered enough in the second cycle.

c. Questionnaire Result of Cycle I and Cycle II

During the learning process, the researcher not only use the observation guidelines in measuring the level of students accounting learning activity in Grade X Accounting2 at SMK Negeri 1 Bantul, but the researcher is also used questionnaires that were given at the end of the lesson in each cycle. From the questionnaires that were distributed in the cycle I and cycle II, obtained data as follows: Table 7. Learning Activity Questionnaire Data of Cycle I and II No Indicator of Learning Activity Percentage Cycle Cycle II 1 Reading the accounting learning material 60,35 75,00 2 Take a note of accounting learning material 77,27 84,46 3 Do the exercises provided by the teacher 79,35 85,23 4 Do the group discussions 77,08 87,88 5 Answer questions from teachers and friends in the discussion session 62,88 75,38 6 Respond to other students opinions 77,78 88,38 7 Do the quiz provided by the teacher independently 79,17 86,36 Average 73,41 83,24 Source: Primary Data Processed Based on the data above, it can be seen that 5 of the 9 indicators of learning activity has achieved the successful action or has a score more than 75 in cycle I. And the cycle II, there was an increase in all indicators of learning activities. Overall, the average score of all indicators increased from the first cycle with the score of 73,41 to 83,24 in the second cycle.

B. Discussion

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