File System - Limitations in WebCenter

11-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle WebCenter Table 11–5 Oracle Content Server Connection Parameters Field Description RIDC Socket Type Specify whether Oracle Content Server connects on the content server listener port or the Web server filter, and whether the listener port is SSL enabled. Choose from: ■ Socket - Uses an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server. The client IP address must be added to the list of authorized addresses in the Oracle Content Server. In this case, the client is the machine on which Oracle WebCenter is running. ■ Socket SSL - Uses an intradoc socket connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server that is secured using the SSL protocol. The clients certificates must be imported in the servers trust store for the connection to be allowed. This is the most secure option, and the recommended option whenever identity propagation is required for example, in WebCenter Spaces. ■ Web - Uses an HTTPS connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server. ■ JAX-WS - Uses an HTTPS connection to connect to the Oracle Content Server. For WebCenter Spaces, the Web option is not suitable for the active connection, that is, the back-end Oracle Content Server repository that is being used to store Space-related documents because it does not allow identity propagation. Server Host Enter the host name of the machine where the Oracle Content Server is running. For example: Server Host is required when the RIDC Socket Type is set to Socket or Socket SSL. Server Port Enter the port on which the Oracle Content Server listens: ■ Socket - Port specified for the incoming provider in the server. ■ Socket SSL - Port specified for the sslincoming provider in the server. This property corresponds to the IntradocServerPort setting in the Content Server configuration file, which defaults to port 4444. Server Port is required when the RIDC Socket Type is set to Socket or Socket SSL . Web URL Enter the Web server URL for the Oracle Content Server. Use the format: http:hostname:portnumberweb_rootplugin_root For example: http:mycontentservercmsidcplg Web URL is applicable when the RIDC Socket Type is set to Web. Web Service URL Enter the Web service URL required to connect to Oracle Content Server when using the JAX-WS protocol. Use the format: http:hostname:portweb_root For example: Web Service URL is applicable when RIDC Socket Type is set to JAX-WS . Connection Timeout ms Specify the length of time allowed to log in to Oracle Content Server in milliseconds before issuing a connection timeout message. If no timeout is set, there is no time limit for the login operation.