E. Analitical Construct

Islam and The Muslim world in 19 th to 21 st Century Ignatius, His works, and His Mind about Islam and The Muslim world Novel Ignatius’ Body of Lies discourses: words, phrases, clauses, or sentences RQ 1: How The Western construction of Islam and the Muslim World works as a tool of hegemony RQ2: What are the effects of the construction in the novel Postcolonialism Eurocentrism Orientalism Orient Occident The proses of Orientalizing the Oriental The concept of power and knowledge Figure 1: Analytical Construct CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

A. Research Approach

This research was a qualitative research. According to Creswell 2009: 4, qualitative research is an inquiry process of exploring and understanding the meaning indiviuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The researcher conducts the research by emerging questions and procedures, collects the data and interprets the meaning, builds a complex and holistic view of a situation, and reports detail information without manipulating the data. This research used a descriptive-qualitative method to analyze the data because the data of this research were nonnumeric. Moleong 2010: 11 states that the data of descriptive-qualitative method are in the form of words, pictures, and not in numbers. The data are used to describe Western construction toward Islam and the Muslim world seen from the discourses produced by Americans and Middle Eastern Muslims characters. Thus, the description of the data helps the researcher to present and explore the complexity of the research. In addition, it can also engage the readers to understand the research.

B. Data Type

Data are a collection of information that will be used in the research Given, 2008: 185. In qualitative research, data are usually in the form of nonnumeric data taken from a variety in sources. Since this research applied qualitative approach, the data were in the form of language features such as words, phrases, clauses and sentences expressed in Ignatius’ Body of Lies and related to 1 the western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as a way of hegemony and 2 the effects of the construction in the novel.

C. Data Source

The main source of this research is Body of Lies, a novel written by David Ignatius in 2007 which was first published in New York and London by W.W. Norton Company. The novel consists of 37 chapters and 406 pages. Some supporting references and information were used to analyze the data. The supporting data of this research were from books and websites on the Internet. To analyze the work, the researcher used the theory of Orientalism from Edward Said’s Orientalism 1978 supported by The Post-Colonial Studies Reader Ashcroft, Griffiths, andTiffin: 1995, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies Bartolovich and Lazarus:2004, Key Concept in Post- Colonial Studies Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin: 1998, The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies Lazarus: 2004, and Dangerous Liasons: Gender, Nation, Postcolonial Perspectives McClintock, Mufti and Shohat: 1997. Some additional books on the description of western view toward Islam and the Muslim world are also used to support the comprehensiveness of the background analysis. The books are The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in Western Thought Quinn: 2008, Islam in the British Broadsheets: The Impact of Orientalism on Representations of Islam in the British Press Elgamri: 2008, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences Hamid: 2004, The Eastern Origins of Western Civiliation Hobson: 2004, The Judgment Against Imperialism, Fascism And Racism Against Caliphate And Islam: Volume 1 Mowla: 2008, A Companion to the History of the Middle East Choueiri: 2005, and Discourse Mills: 1997. Besides, to help understand Ignatius’ work, the researcher used some articles on the Internet which provides information about Ignatius and his social background which describes or affects his way of writing and producing literary works.

D. Data Collection

There are four steps in the process of collecting data: reading, note taking, interpreting, and categorizing. Basically, reading and note taking are the most important ways in data collecting technique. In this research, the researcher first read Ignatius’ Body of Lies. In order to get the clear understanding of the content of the text, the researcher had to perform the careful and comprehensive reading. Second, the researcher collected the data by making simple notes or rewriting them in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences related to the topic. Third, the researcher read carefully the data in order to have the clear interpretation. The last step, the data then are categorized into the units in line with the topic of the discussion. During the process of the data collection, the researcher used a particular form of data sheet to easily see the progress of her research. The form of data sheet is presented in the figure below: