Research Instruments Data Analysis

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION As has been stated in the previous chapter, this research aims to reveal Western domination in the Muslim world seen through discourses produced by some Western and Middle Eastern characters who act as narrator in the novel. To begin with, it is worth knowing that Ignatius’ Body of Lies talks about the effort of American Intelligents in breaking and stopping Islamic terrorism cells. The setting is mainly set in some regions in the Middle East which is later mentioned as the Muslim world. Derived from Said’s theory, Orientalism mainly deals with the social condition in colonialism and post-colonialism time revealing the western style of domination, structure, and authority over the Orient or the colonized countries. It empasizes the aspect of power and authority that come from the West. By having power, the West can control the East and construct the rules which are prevailing in the colony. Thus, power is the main aspect in the field of Orientalism. The Western domination and power are obviously seen prevailing in the Muslim world. Although most of the Muslim countries gained their independence since 19 th century, they have lived under the colonial rule legacy which continues dominating them, meaning that the Muslim countries have lived under Western neocolonialism. This new type of colonialism can be rationalized by Orientalism through dominating framework, a system of structural ideas which is constructed to represent and judge the East negatively. The construction is purposely built by the West not merely to represent Islam and the Muslim world as having negative characters and quality, but it may become political vision of reality to alienate Islam and the Muslim world due to the promotion of the alien Islam and the Muslim world versus the familiar Christian Western civilization Said, 1978: 44. In Ignatius’ Body of Lies, the domination and power are mostly reflected in the placing emphasis and the imposing of the Western global standard of civilization over the Muslim world as part of the Western civilization mission. The novel tells the aspect of Western domination through the War on Terrorism mission as the core problem raised by the novel. This chapter answers the questions of the research: the Western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as a tool of hegemony and the effects of the construction in the novel. The Western construction of Islam and the Muslim world is that Islam and the Muslim world are corrupt, backward, uncivilized, and exotic. This construction can bring effects toward the inhabitants of the Muslim world as it can impose them to be hypocritical.

A. The Western Construction of Islam and the Muslim World as a Tool of Hegemony

In Body of Lies, the author describes the Muslim world and the West as two different lands. Due to the different lands, the author draws imaginative geographies between them and creates the representation of each of the divisions Said, 1978: 54. Thus, the West can dominate the framework and then perform it like a show which will impose people to understand the Muslim world in a corridor of understanding which is made by them. The characters in the show are devided into active vs passive or superior vs inferior. As the active side, the West