description, interrelating description, and interpreting the meaning of description. The six steps to analyze the data are explained below. 1. The first is identifying the data from the novel by making some notes. 2. The second is reading and rereading the whole data and arranging the dataaccording to the related topic discussion: western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as a way of colonization as well as it effects 3. The third is coding and categorizing the data in the data table into some categories such as 1 Orient, 2 Occident, and 3 The effects of the western construction of Islam and the Muslim world. 4. The fourth is sorting the data by selecting the relevant data and excluding the irrelevant data. The selected relevant data were classified and interpreted according to its thematic meaning. 5. The fifth is making the interrelation between the description of the data and the theory to get the findings based on the objectives, that are the western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as a way of colonization and the effects of the construction in the novel. 6. The last is making an interpretation of the findings based on the understanding about the theory.

G. Data Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a way in which the researcher shows that generalizability, internal validity, reliability, and objectivity are considered in his or her research Given, 2008: 895. Validity is one of the strengths of qualitative research because the researcher can show whether the findings are accurate from his or her standpoint, the participants and the readers Creswell, 2009: 191. On the otherhand, reliability means the dependability or consistency. It indicates that the samething is repeated under the identical or very similar conditions. The reliability of the research was gained by using intra-rater technique through the following steps. First, the researcher evaluated the data of her research with the theoretical concept presented in the chart of analytical construct. Second, the researcher read and re-read the data until she got certainty of the data with valid interpretation with the reference presented in the analytical construct. The purpose of doing this technique was to keep the consistency of the data. To check the validity of this research, Creswell’s theory peer debriefing method was used. It means that during the process of collecting the data, the researcher implemented a collaborator, a peer debriefer Creswell, 2009: 192, to review and to ask questions in order to get the similarity between the researcher’s interpretation and the peer debriefer’s interpretation. The researcher chose three of her friends as reviewers to check the data of this research and give their interpretation. The discussion with reviewers was also conducted to get the same interpretation to achieve validity of the data. Besides, the researcher also consulted the data to her first and second consultant, Sugi Iswalono, M.A. and Rachmat Nurcahyo, M.A. who were competent in analyzing literary works. Those processes were done on the whole data.