Corrupt No. Electronic References

126 metallic wash to the clouds, and the cityscape was the color of dirt: mud-brown plaster on the walls, oily puddles that filled the potholes on the street; a rusted old Trabant parked along the curb. Down the street, some Turkish boys were kicking a soccer ball, and there was traffic noise from the Jakobstrasse a block away, but otherwise it was quiet. Ahead was a grim block of flats built decades ago for workers in the nearby factory; they were now urban ruins inhabited by immigrants and squatters and a few aging Germans who were too dazed or demoralized to move. The smells coming from the few open windows weren’t of cabbage or schnitzel but garlic and cheap olive oil”. 5. “They stopped for food and coffee at a place the driver knew, just south of Homs, which he insisted was clean, but when Ferris went to use the toilet, it was a hole in the floor that stank of shit”. The narrator 356 6. “BASSAM COLLECTED Ferris the next morning outside his little villa. Ferris was wearing his robe and kaffiyeh—at a quick glance, he was just another scruffy Iraqi man in his early thirties”. The narrator 59 7. “But eventually a young man arrived at the front door, dressed in a dirty blue track suit”. The narrator 116 8. “Ya Bassam Marhaba,” Ferris greeted his agent. He slumped into the front seat and rolled up the window. The Iraqi was wearing a cheap leather jacket, and he had his hair slicked back with gel”. Ferris 46

b. Subcategory II: Having Savage and Barbaric Characteristics Category of

Discourse No . Quotation Speaker Page 1 The Muslims as Inherently Barbaric People Supporting Violence and Terror 1. “The young king might be hosting the titans of the World Economic Forum down at the fancy resort hotels on the Dead Sea, but in the back alleys of Zarqa, they were selling carpets bearing the image of Osama bin Laden and listening to cassettes of his declaration of war on America”. The narrator 36 2. “I mean it, Roger. I have to listen to these people screaming at me every day. Do you know they cheered in the camps this week when they heard the news about the car bombing in Milan? Cheered. Friends had to come over and protect Alice 86 127 me. They want to kill us. Don’t you see that?”. 3. “I loved him,” she said. “He was a Palestinian. Very proud, very angry. I loved him, but he mistreated me”. Alice 97 2 The Pious Muslims as well as the Islamist and Islamic Organizations are the Masterminds and the Doers of Terrorism 1. “I want to help you target the Berlin boy, Mustafa Karami. I want to see if we can steer him into the center of the center—to the network that is doing these car bombs in Europe. This is life-or-death stuff for us, my friend. These guys want to kill Americans”. Ferris 107 2. Bulent insisted on taking Sadiki to a celebratory lunch at a neighborhood restaurant. Ferris excused himself, saying he had other business, so the other two went off to a favorite gathering place for Islamist politicians and pamphleteers; it was a restaurant where they would be seen—by pious Muslims connected to the underground, and by the Turkish security men who were watching them”. The narrator 286 3. He was beginning to understand why Azhar had selected Omar Sadiki to star in their play. He was connected to the network of Islamic charities that had funded Al Qaeda in its early day. Indeed, he had all the necessary attributes of a member of the underground”. The narrator 207 4. “Azhar clicked his mouse and a new image came up on the screen. It was a photograph of an Arab man in his late thirties, dressed in a business suit. He had a well-trimmed beard and the look of a man who took fasting and prayer seriously”. The narrator 181 5. Ferris studied Sadiki’s face: The Jordanian had a callus in the middle of his forehead from bowing so passionately in prayer each day. The prayer mark hadn’t been visible in the photo Azhar had displayed. He was ostentatiously devout. That was another good sign”. The narrator 201 6. Ferris began reading the Arabic papers and visiting mosques. The more he talked to the sheiks, the more obvious it became: These people hate us. They don’t want to negotiate anything. They want to kill us”. The narrator 71