Planning for the action

their speaking improvements. The following table presents the kinds of data, the data instruments and the data collection technique used by the researcher to collect the data. Table 3.1. Data Collection Technique No. Data Instrument Techniques 1. The teaching and learning process - Observation guideline - Interview guideline - Observation - Interview - Discussion 2. The teacher’s activities - Observation guideline - Interview guideline - Observation - Interview - Discussion 3. The students’ involvement - Observation guideline - Interview guideline - Observation - Interview - Discussion

F. Data Analysis Technique

The data were in the forms of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained from the field notes of the observation protocol and the transcripts of interview. The data obtained from the observations and the interviews were analyzed qualitatively.Meanwhile, the quantitative data of this research were collected from the tests conducted. In analyzing the quantitative data, the descriptive analysis is used. The mean is used as a representative from the central tendency. The mean is used to know the improvement of the students before and after the implementations. Consequently, the statistics used in the computation is the mean which is the average score attained by the students. From the results of the speaking tests, the students’ progression level was identified.

G. Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

The validity of the data was established by fulfilling the five criteria of validity proposed by Anderson, cited in Burns 1999: 161-162. They are democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic validity. The discussion of the validity will be discussed below.

a. Democratic validity

Democratic validity is defined as “the extent to which research is done in collaboration with all parties who have a stake in the problem under investigation” Anderson in Burns, 1999: 161. In order to get democratic validity, the researcher did interview with the English teachers and the students to express their ideas, comments, and opinions about the actions which has been done. The opinions were used to improve the next action.

b. Outcome validity

Outcome validity is related to the nation of actions leading to the result of the actions that are successful within the research context. In this research the processes are related to the improvement of students speaking ability under the use of Talking Chips. The sucess and the failure of the action and also the problems found in the action were also considered to improve the next action.